4 Long before human procreation, life on earth was created by asexual single-celled organisms. Scientists discovered fossilized evidence that sexual reproduction was going strong within one billion years of the planet’s formation.
4 The human body has remained largely unchanged for 100,000 years, while shifting ideas have affected the ways in which people view sex and what they find sexy. Some experts suggest cavemen would have had sex for pleasure and compare the early humans with the bonobo monkey.
This creature shares more than 98 per cent of its DNA with humans and enjoys sex with many partners, regardless of age, sex or anything else. However, humans are equally close to the combat-prone chimpanzee, which has sex solely to reproduce. And while bonobos substitute
aggression for pleasure, people have evolved choosing to make war as well as love.
4 Mesopotamia is the source of the earliest records of human history.
Women and men celebrated sex in the temple of Ishtar, goddess of love, fertility and sex.
4 Up until the 17th century, it was commonly believed that God or some early big bang created mankind. Charles Darwin first looked at the peacock and wondered why it would display its plumage, which could attract predators, without a worthwhile reason. His theories on evolution in his book On the Origin of Species (1859) introduced the ideas of sexual and natural selection.
4 Psychologist Susan Blackmore says humans focus on memes, forms of imitation, and that sex, power and food are the most popular subjects.
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‘Pleasure is the beginning and end of the blessed life.’
Epicurus с. 341-270BC
The chicken and the egg are lying in bed. The chicken is
smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face, while
the egg is frowning and looking decidedly disappointed.
‘I guess we answered that question/ tnutters the egg.