Following the Tupperware and Avon models but much racier, pole dancing parties became the USA’s first big fitness and health craze of the 21st century, giving women the chance to ‘refind their inner sex kitten’ and burn up calories in a G-string, while ensuring their men no longer needed to go out for erotic entertainment. Pole dancing has become so respectable that Oprah tried it out on her show and some companies encourage ‘motorized pole dancing’ in their stretch limos.

^дЖД. The Bombshell Ballroom in Vancouver holds a ‘Pole Yoga’ class when pole-dancing poles ‘deepen stretch’ for postures and help with spinal alignment. More to the point, exotic purple backlights make your skin appear flawless as you exercise.


The Tesco website in the UK was forced to remove a
pole-dancing kit after being accused of ‘destroying
children’s innocence’.

Updated: 13.11.2015 — 13:58