Peering through a telescope into the future, it appears that, thanks to science, our sex lives are about to take off as never before. We will take advantage of advances in surgical techniques to acquire perfect bodies, make use of ‘neuromacrosensing’ which sends in microscopic ‘nanobots’ to caress sensitive areas with pinpoint accuracy (producing unprecedented orgasms) and, in the coming world of virtual reality, we’ll be able to ‘hold orgies on the moon of Jupiter, on lambskin rugs, with cherubim as an attentive audience’ — well, that’s according to James Hughes (see p.183). Now that scientists are likely to take over the messy business of procreation, sex will be purely for pleasure. Leaving aside one worrying question — if we no longer need our sex organs for procreation, will evolution rid us of them? — futurologists are predicting drugs which sort out every kind of sexual malfunction and switch libido on and off like a light, ‘teledildos’ operated by computer for those who like to be probed from afar and underwear packed with sensors for couples bored with the limitations of current video games. In the future, everybody will have their own ‘bio-tailors’, godlike doctors who can give or take away breasts, sort you out with a penile implant or two and who will run you up a bespoke sex life in exchange for a large bag of money. The possibilities are endless.