Рубрика: The Porn Trap

Difficulty with Intimacy

Another factor that accelerates porn use is having difficulty with intimate relationships. Many of the people we counsel and talk with who have developed serious problems with porn will say things like, “Intimate rela­tionships are too much work,” “I’m not comfortable sharing how I feel,” “Sex is about having a good time, not about love,” […]

Medicating Problems with Porn

People who use porn as a tool for coping with sexual and other kinds of problems can easily get caught up in a deeper relationship with it. Porn, and its accompanying sexual experience, can appear to be a cure-all for whatever ails us. If you learned to use porn as a coping mechanism when you […]

Frequent and Unrestricted Access

Given how much porn exists in our environment, it is not surprising that ease of access, especially to things that often seem to have little or no fi­nancial cost and can be looked at privately, is one of the most significant factors in whether or not someone develops an adult porn relationship. Not that long […]

A Strong Pleasure Bond with Porn

Even though Corey had misgivings about porn when he was young be­cause of its association with masturbation, his automatic reaction to it was consistently one of sexual excitement and pleasure. As a product, there wasn’t much about porn’s content that upset him or turned him off. Like many other porn users, Corey was drawn to […]

Getting Deeper into Porn

Now that we’ve discussed the factors that can slow down or break up a relationship with porn, let’s turn and look at those that could increase our involvement with porn. Corey, a thirty-four-year-old computer analyst whom we heard from in the previous chapters, became increasingly involved with pornogra­phy after his early childhood use. Like Jack, […]

Sexually Secure and Satisfied

Many people who watch porn experience feelings of sexual arousal that flood their bodies with intense sensations and stimulate a desire for sexual release. But this type of fantasy-oriented, product-driven sexual experi­ence does not appeal to everyone. People who thoroughly enjoy sex with their current partner, or those who feel good about their non-porn mas­turbation […]

Limited Contact

As easy as porn is to access, it still requires contact with the devices that store and deliver it, money if it is not free, time to peruse it, and privacy from the potentially critical and judging eyes of others. When these con­ditions are lacking, it is more difficult, and thus less likely, for someone […]

A Personal Dislike

No matter what the product or activity, we all have our own personal preferences at any given time. Yankees or Red Sox? Plasma TV or LCD? Hybrid or Hummer? Ice cream or apple? The same goes for graphic sexual imagery. Some of us see it and automatically love it, while others of us find it […]