__ 1. Unexplained absences and unaccounted time
__ 2. Possessing porn materials or visiting porn sites on the Internet
__ 3. Excessive or late night computer use
__ 4. Demanding privacy when using the television or computer
__ 5. Change in bedtime rituals
__ 6. Social and emotional withdrawal
__ 7. Maintaining a private e-mail address, private credit card, or
private cell phone account
__ 8. Vague and nonsensical explanations for behavior
__ 9. Defensiveness when questioned about porn use
__ 10. Evidence of hiding, lying, and secretive behavior
__ 11. Unexplained tiredness, anger, and/or irritability
__ 12. Increased concerns regarding sexual attractiveness and performance
__ 13. Decrease in affection and nonsexual touching
__ 14. Insensitive sexual comments and unusual sexual language
__ 15. Loss of emotional closeness in the relationship
__ 16. Lack of sexual interest and sexual functioning problems
__ 17. Heightened need for sexual stimulation, contact, and release
__ 18. Strong interest in unusual or objectionable sexual practices
This list can help a woman evaluate whether the problems she is experiencing in her relationship may be due to her partner’s porn use. However, it’s important to keep in mind that many of these items can also be related to other types of personal problems and secretive or addictive behavior.