Guilt is a sneaky emotion. Unlike anger, love, or sorrow, it has an ability to work behind the scenes without your really noticing. This means that you first need to identify that it’s actually there—that the undercurrent of emotion behind this flurry of negative, self-blaming thought is guilt. From there, the steps toward getting guilt […]
Рубрика: Womenomics
You Are Normal — a Normal, Guilt-Obsessed Woman
Christy Runningen, a Best Buy corporate talent coach in Minnesota, learned just how destructive and hard to shake guilt can be, even though she is one of the lucky ones. She’s working in what Best Buy calls a ROWE—a Results Only Work Environment. It’s the brave new world we mentioned in chapter 2 and that […]
Guilt Trips: The Classics
If you’re not sure whether or not guilt has a stranglehold on your work life (or any other part of your life), check out our most popular guilt trips. Sound familiar? Most of you will see that you have some work to do. —You’re sitting in the park with the kids on your assigned day […]
Good-bye guilt (and hello no)
omen have been bearing the burden of guilt since the beginning of history. Adam takes a bite of the fateful apple and—oh sure, blame it on Eve. The original guilt. And unfortunately, we women make it easy. We silently put “getting kicked out of paradise” on a long list of things to feel guilty about […]
News you can use
1. Define what YOU really want—not what others say you should want. 2. Sidestep the status trap—it’s a false ego rush. 3. Face your fears and do the math: the costs of making changes turn quickly into benefits when you use a Womenomics eyeshade.
Success Redefined
As you’ve seen, winning the mental game is key to overcoming the obstacles to the New All. We face a whole array of challenges in this area, from basic considerations, like earning enough money, to worrying about how we’ll be perceived by people around us for taking a different approach to work and life, to […]
Balance Sheet
To help you get your head in the game, we’ve made a list of some of the other important “costs” we all worry about as we try to get to the New All. What will quickly become clear, we hope, is that what initially appears a cost might not be costly at all and may […]
Time Versus Money
According to the traditional way of thinking, losing time as you earn more money isn’t seen as a cost at all. But looking through a Womenomics lens, additional time is increasingly more valuable than more money. Indeed, time is the currency of Women — omics. It’s remarkable how much money most professional women would be […]
Turning Costs into Benefits
By now, you’ve realized that there are enormous benefits to reshaping your life to suit your real wants and needs. Of course, where there’s a benefit there’s also a cost. Quantifying these costs and benefits is a difficult and highly personal task. While we can’t crunch the individual numbers for you, we can definitely help […]
Confronting the Feminist Ideal
Here’s another and rather unexpected piece in the mental challenge—how to handle our debt to our pioneering feminist forebears. It’s a complicated relationship—part gratitude, part admiration, part guilt, part rejection. We know that women thirty years ago fought hard to get all of us a seat at the table. They fought so hard that they […]