Рубрика: Womenomics

The Ego Reboot

Whenever you have one of those inevitable ego moments, think­ing to yourself what you could have achieved, how much you might be earning, whose former office and job title you could be brandishing, you should stop yourself and hit the ego reboot button. Ego is a natural and healthy thing, but to make sure the […]

Solving the Status Trap

There is one little hitch in this process of redefining success on our own terms. Or for some of us, one stubborn, out-size hitch. Our egos. Even if you feel the satisfaction and clarity of knowing what you really want, and you understand it won’t mean the end of your professional life, your ego, well […]

What-if Exercise

• Imagine the face your boss will make if you take yourself out of the running for that big job. Will he look at you like you are speaking Swahili, as he wonders to himself why he ever invested in you? • You tell your supervisor you want to cut your time at the office. […]

Face Your Fears

Linda Brooks is a true pioneer. She’s a super-brainiac, an honors graduate of an elite law school, and a partner at a top New York law firm. But she’s a new kind of partner—an “80 percent” partner. After years of slogging through her work-to-the-max schedule, Linda now has every Friday off. It might not sound […]

Gut Check

professional achievement 1. How important is your career to you? 2. The above is hard to answer in isolation, right? So think about how important your career is compared to other aspects of your life. Make a pie chart, a numbered list, a graph—whatever works—and see how it rates compared to family, hobbies, or other […]

Post-Womenomics Workplace Victory

You give yourself a confidence-boosting pep talk that runs something like this: I’ve already done everything that I needed to do, and more. I’ve come through on a project when the odds were against me. I’m not adding any value to the com­pany sitting here. Anything extra can be handled by e-mail later. I not […]

The Power of One

You might be thinking: these are great statistics on women, fas­cinating new trends going on in the workplace, and inspiring examples of a whole lot of individual women who are making concrete changes. But how can I really benefit from all of that? The demographics, trends, statistics, and stories certainly don’t amount to much if […]

A Win-Win

Here’s the bottom-line bonus about all of these changes. Bowing to our demands makes business sense not just because compa­nies need to keep us, but also because we become more produc­tive employees. The unintended consequence took Capitol One by surprise. “People in the workforce have specific needs, and if they feel like you’re going to […]