So what do you get when you have a workforce full of talented women who finally understand that what they want is to work differently, a substantial percentage of men who are starting to see they’d like the same thing, a much-in-demand younger generation that won’t be tied down, a looming talent shortage, and, most […]
Рубрика: Womenomics
The Naturals: Gens X, Y, and Z
If we’re increasingly frustrated by the sixty-hour office week, the next generation has no interest in it at all. When it comes to demanding freedom from the office grind, these guys are the power players. Because while we’ve learned it the hard way and are still racked with guilt about our choices, the younger generations […]
The Ladder — It Is a’ Crumbling
Even without your iPod you can hear echoes ofBob Dylan around every watercooler these days. The hot currency in office boasting sessions is quickly moving from the number of power breakfasts under your belt to the number of school plays you’ve managed to make. Women may be driving this workplace revolution, but make no mistake, […]
The Downshift
Look—having been shoehorned into an inhospitable, male — created work environment for all these years, it should be no surprise that our attitude toward work is so conflicted. But the real headline isn’t that women are quitting in droves, as was the big news ten years ago. It’s how much we’re modifying our professional goals […]
What Women Want
So what were we thinking years ago, as we were drawn, lockstep, into those masculine, career-driven ranks? What made us defy our genes and bend our natural wills to the unnatural corporate structure? Certainly after centuries without power we were after status and achievement, not to mention the ability to make a difference and make […]
Wired for Sanity
French feminist Simone de Beauvoir could have really used the help of a few brain scans. “One is not born, but rather one becomes a woman,” she valiantly postulated in 1949.24 She thought she was defending her sex by asserting that our more masculine side was forced out of us by societal forces. She was […]
What we really want
і ight about now, juiced up on all of that power you didn’t know you had, you probably feel like grabbing your bayonet and heading for the boardroom. Some of you may want to seize— finally— that CEO’s chair, or grab other ruling positions. Most of us, though, are after something even more elusive—freedom, time, […]
Pink Means Power
The beauty of Womenomics is that it is not just an academic business trend. Far from it. The wave we are describing has a direct impact on your life. If, like us, you love work but love life too and want to find time for both, then the power of pink profits is the foundation […]
Recession Proof
When we started writing this book, women friends and colleagues would say nervously, as they watched Wall Street struggle to stay afloat, “Wow, that’s great news about our clout in the business world, but what happens in a recession? Doesn’t that mean we all have to go back to keeping our noses to the grindstone […]
More Demand Than Supply
If all of this good news isn’t enough to get your empowerment juices flowing, the Womenomics of demographics should do the trick. In the short term the U. S. economy may be experiencing a downturn, but it’s the long term that has most employers wideeyed. We are facing a talent shortage unlike anything in history. […]