Empirical science left repercussions in its wake: the sudden advancement of technology upset the natural order. But the recent interest in ecology, the study, of man’s relationship to his environment, may, by 1970, have come too late. Certainly it is too late for conservationism, the attempt to redress natural balances. What is called for is […]
День: 04.10.2015
The fallacy of the workplace as a source of fulfillment
One of the biggest fallacies of the women’s movement was expecting work to mean power and self-fulfillment Employers wouldn’t have to pay people if they were giving away power and self fulfillment. For those employees able to feel freedom and fulfillment on the job — well, more power to ’em Hut the average man knows […]
Just as the emotional pathways for each line of action differ, so do the emotional consequences. Many working mothers who held egalitarian gender ideals but had husbands who refused to share housework felt they had the right to feel resentful and felt so. Not looking to their husbands for a solution to the double day, […]
Just as the emotional pathways for each line of action differ, so do the emotional consequences. Many working mothers who held egalitarian gender ideals but had husbands who refused to share housework felt they had the right to feel resentful and felt so. Not looking to their husbands for a solution to the double day, […]
Shouldn’t a future mother be more protected than a future father?
Our desire to give special protection to working women who are of childbearing years seems especially understandable. Geneticists are now finding, though, that exposing men of child-creating years to chemical toxins might hurt the children just as much. Why? All the eggs a woman has are present and whole before birth. But to create sperm, […]
Heg emony of the Nuclear, Heterosexual Family
How does a woman such as Rebecca, typically in her late thirties to early forties, end up the mother of a different-race child? Biological motherhood prevails as the dominant way in which women become mothers; adoption remains a second best alternative. Sociologist Katarina Weger, in her article “Adoption and Kinships,” observes that in the U. […]
Religiosity and Spiritual Support
For many adults, the relationship they have with a god or divine being is a key aspect of their identity. In addition, when faced with the daily problems of living, older adults use their religious faith more than anything else, including family or friends, as a coping mechanism (Krause, 2003; McFadden, 1996) . When asked […]
Hegemonic Masculinity and Emphasized Femininity
The central argument can be put in a few paragraphs. There is an ordering of versions of femininity and masculinity at the level of the whole society, in some ways analogous to the patterns of face-to-face relationship within institutions. The possibilities of variation, of course, are vastly greater. The sheer complexity of relationships involving millions […]
Money in relationships
An important strand of research on heterosexual money management was pioneered by Jan Pahl in Britain, who began a series of projects starting in the 1980s and continuing into the 2000s (Pahl, 1980; 1989; 1990). A core element to Pahl’s approach was the development of typologies of money management in which she identified different systems […]
AIDS in Blackface
Harlon L. Dalton MY AMBITION IN the pages that follow is to account for why we African-Americans have been reluctant to "own" the AIDS epidemic, to acknowledge the devastating toll it is taking on our communities,1 and to take responsibility for altering its course. By the end, I hope to convince you that what may […]