День: 30.10.2015


1.1 Gender Effects in CMC Gender research has revealed several differences in communication styles between males and females (Barrett & Davidson, 2006). Similarly, communi­cation styles over CMC have been found to differ between males and females (Lind, 1999; Thom­son, 2006a). Males tend to be more aggressive and argumentative in communication compared to females. On the […]


If prevailing analyses of intimacy and economic activity get causes and effects wrong, but still point to problems real people face, how can we improve on the faulty arguments of separate spheres and hostile worlds? One possibility is that some simpler principle—eco­nomic, cultural, or political—actually explains what is going on; that is the nothing-but line […]

Academic Hiring (Chapter 3)

The findings on academic hiring suggest that many women fared well in the hiring process at Research I institutions, which contradicts some commonly held perceptions of research-intensive universities. If women applied for positions at Research I institutions, they had a better chance of being interviewed and receiv­ing offers than male job candidates had. Many departments […]

Pink Profits

The wise people at Pepperdine University realized it would be a good idea to take a bit of the emotion out of the debate about whether women are useful workers and chuck in a good healthy dose of economic analysis instead. They conducted a mas­sive nineteen-year survey of 215 Fortune 500 companies.4 The Pepperdine professors […]

Money and Intimacy

Take the special case of money. Many social critics concede that peasant households, craft workshops, and fishing villages inevitably mingled economic activity and intimate relations, but somehow escaped the curse of hostile worlds. Elshtain and others reserve their fears and condemnations for monetized social relations, which they see as invading intimate spheres as markets expanded […]

Efundula: Women’s Initiation, Gender and Sexual Identities in Colonial and Post-Colonial Northern Namibia

Heike Becker[13] Introduction In the early 1990s I, together with colleagues, carried out research into ‘custom­ary’ marriage in Owambo, northern Namibia.[14] In the course of the research, we were told by a large number of local residents that getting married was primarily a matter of Christian rites. However, many also spoke freely about ‘customary’ as­pects […]

A Descriptive Lens: Tlie Importance of Class

When I compared parenting styles among the professional middle-class respondents with those of their less privileged peers, I found quite distinc­tive differences. Among the former, parenting includes a lengthy perspec­tive on children’s dependency without a clear launching point for a grown child, a commitment to creating “passionate” people who know how to find a “proper” […]