From what age it is possible to give to the child cream of wheat?

Dairy porridge was the first delicacy, which our child saw on the fourth month of life. So happened that сынуле it was necessary to become willy-nilly "cosmonaut", having passed to "artificial" feeding. Alas, «children’s kitchen» in our taiga settlement at that time was not and in mention. But there was a natural rural milk and a semolina. From what age it is possible to give to the child cream of wheat?

With confidence I can tell that growing on such products карапуз in growth and in intellectual development did not lag behind contemporaries. The son and now wishes to eat a plateful of favourite porridge, unlike his child whom not for all the tea in China you will not force even a spoon to try. Muesli, porridges of fast preparation and other chemistry is for lovely soul. Accustomed…

But it so – to a word. Recently with surprise learned that the semolina got in outsiders. The list of products not recommended by physicians replenished also with such grain. It is asked: for what such disgrace? Of what accuse a cereal on which one generation grew not. It appears, kids about one year really are not recommended to give a feeding up in the form of cream of wheat.

And it in spite of the fact that contains in it a significant amount of substances useful to an organism. Physicians explain it to that in such product there is a big content of carbohydrates. At infantile age the stomach is yet ready to digest them. And it not the only thing, for what sent tasty "porridge-malashu" on a bench.

Second minus: in kernels of this grain there is such substance, as глиодин, destroying fibers in the digestive system, necessary for food digestion. Thus it is considered that the organism of the baby unable to be protected from harmful action of such substances, at this age negative process proceeds more actively.

One more negative factor is an existence in grain of phytin which let’s to a small organism acquire necessary elements, such as iron and vitamin D. Also affirms that a semolina – "enemy" of calcium. Availability of phosphorus in phytin connects salts of calcium and blocks access to the last to blood. Cream of wheat deprives of babies of necessary substance therefore children to whom give till two-three portions of a semolina in day, quite often fall ill with rickets.

The carried-out researches allowed physicians to enter a semolina in the list undesirable grain for baby food. But it does not mean that in a diet of more senior children and adults there should not be such product. The taboo concerns only kids about one year. Naturally there is a question: whether it is possible to give such dish after a year and is more senior? As pediatrists speak, at more advanced age it is possible to give cream of wheat, but it is not necessary to be fond.

Absolutely to limit a diet of the preschool child in such grain as the semolina, is not necessary. After all in it there is a lot of and pluses. This and quite large amount of proteins and other mineral substances. Thus it quickly prepares, so all useful elements remain. Besides at such disease as chronic insufficiency of kidneys, the semolina is simply irreplaceable.

But it is necessary to notice, what even among physicians there is no consensus concerning harm of cream of wheat for babies. The main argument of opponents that many years about one year gave to children such feeding up, and all grew the healthy. Besides, the factor of lobbying is not excluded by producers of baby food also.

How to arrive in that case that to follow – to solve only to parents. If the child is healthy, strong and well develops, the portion of porridge, it appears, to it will not damage. In other case it is necessary to listen to words of the treating pediatrist.

Updated: 30.10.2015 — 13:53