День: 01.11.2015

Birth and mothering

If a woman has failed to avoid unprotected procreative sex and to organize an abortion, one might imagine that the resulting birth would naturally make her a mother. But even birth has not always led to mothering as we now understand that concept. Women of the upper classes did not (and still do not) ‘mother’ […]

‘African Sexuality’/Sexuality in Africa: Tales and Silences

To Caldwell et al. presumably a custom like this would be just another case of ‘ex­tra-marital relations’, and thus ‘permissiveness’. “What the Caldwell’s model really fails to do” Heald says, “is to grasp the essential sacredness of sex in Africa” (Heald 1995:497). So far so good: Ahlberg’s points that Christianity altered sexual mores and previous […]

Public and Private in Classical Capitalism

Thematizing the Gender Subtext The foregoing difficulties notwithstanding, Habermas offers an account of the interinstitutional relations among various spheres of public and private life in classical capitalism which has some genuine critical potential. But in order to realize this potential fully, we need to reconstruct the unthematized gender subtext of his material. Let me return […]


So what is the future, or even, is there a future, for feminism? Is it, at least in the affluent West, needed any longer? In 1992 the American Susan Faludi argued cogently, and in chilling detail, that feminists have been experiencing what she terms a ‘backlash’, with women who had undoubtedly benefited from the movement […]

Gender, and Class

Conscious activity to control human fertility is as intrinsic to the social being of human groups as the activity to control and organize the produc­tion of food. What changes over time and from one social context to another is who controls fertility, under what conditions, through what means, and for what purposes. The techniques of […]


Goodbody Economic Consultants (2002) found that social conditioning and perceived expecta­tions of females in society; incorrect perceptions of the demands of running a business; lack of female role models; low proportion of women pursuing Science, Engineering and Technology programmes; lack of self confidence and dif­ficulties in reconciling work and family life for females were factors […]