How to protect a dog from dogkhanter?

In Russia in 2011 movement of destruction of vagrant dogs arose. Everything began with small meeting of hunters, however now it is already enough large group. Who such dogkhanter? How to protect a dog from dogkhanter?

In their common people and call: fighters of dogs. They consider that vagrant dogs represent serious danger to the population because of aggression or as carriers of serious diseases. Unfortunately, in their ideology murder of an animal at all the sin, and on the contrary, is considered that with each killed "vagabond" the world becomes safer. More humane ways of fight against vagrant animals like sterilization or shelters are not perceived by dogkhanter seriously. For them it is one of ways of money laundering by officials.

Usually wreckers agree on sites about the meeting place or, on the contrary, distribute areas between certain people or small groups. Destruction occurs in two ways: poisoning of food and shooting. The most frequent is poisoning – enough only to scatter a bait in park or in other places of a congestion of dogs.

Unfortunately, to make such poison very simply. For its manufacturing use rat poison and special medicines which can be bought freely in a drugstore. Most popular "medicine" considered азониазид, an antitubercular antibiotic. Medicines mix with any food: a dry feed, meat, add in forcemeat …

How to save the dog? Watch, that it lifted nothing from the earth and furthermore did not swallow. One of the simplest decisions, in my opinion, is the short lead and rigid training. If you do not want to shorten personal space of an animal simply let’s to it limber up paws and to run about, do not forget about a muzzle! Some inconveniences can save to your pet life.

Watch other people in park, the square, a yard where you walk with a dog. If you see that somebody displays something, address to it with inquiries, and warn other owners of dogs better and try together everything to clean. Watch and health of the dog: the slackness, the speeded-up breath, bloody vomiting and a diarrhea should be noticed. Symptoms of poisoning azoniazidy are vomiting, foam from a mouth, violation of coordination of movements of a dog. It is necessary to render the first medical care and immediately to go to a vetlechebnitsa.

How to render first aid at poisoning? What to do? If your dog poisoned, try to cause in it vomiting. For this purpose it is necessary to pour in in the pet boiled water with salt in a proportion 1 tablespoon of salt on a glass of water, a half-glass of vegetable oil (is suitable for animals with a healthy liver!) or hydrogen peroxide with water in a proportion 1:1 (calculate norm: 1 tablespoon of peroxide on 3 kg of weight of your pet). Washing of a stomach will facilitate a condition of a dog, but will not cure it. Therefore visit vetklinik – is obligatory!

If you suspect that a dog poisoned with rat poison, stick Fitomenadin (К1), restoring coagulability of blood. And if consider that a dog poisoned azoniazidy, stick it Piridoksin (В6) – it is harmless even in large numbers and is on sale in all drugstores without the recipe. To calculate a dose simply: 1 mg on 1 kg of weight of a dog. Give to a dog absorbents: absorbent carbon (a tablet on 1 kg of weight), энтеросгель (1 tablespoon on 10 kg of weight), сорбекс or полифепан. For the best effect it is possible to make a cleaning enema.

Near at hand always there should be phone round-the-clock vetklinik or the familiar veterinarian. The main thing, keep the maximum tranquillity and try to calm a dog, give it корвалол and diuretics.

Good luck to you and your pets. I hope that instructions on poisoning treatment never be required to you. Be attentive on walks!

Updated: 01.11.2015 — 18:32