While planning an evening out, many couples consider it natural to discuss each other’s preferences: "Would you like to go to a concert, or would you rather go to the movies?" "How close do you like to sit?" "Do you prefer vegetarian, Italian, or meat and potatoes?" Afterward they may candidly evaluate the evening’s events: […]
День: 06.11.2015
Long-Term Love and Commitment
The ability to maintain love over time is the hallmark of maturity. Many people regard love as something that happens to them, almost like catching the flu. This attitude hides an important truth about love: it takes effort and commitment to maintain love—not only commitment to the other person but commitment to continually build on […]
Both tenure and promotion decisions are evaluations or reviews conducted by peers of a faculty member’s professional activities, which lead to significant status changes. Tenure can be considered as a change from a probationary or fixed length appointment to an indefinite appointment. Such a change provides the faculty member with greater freedom in his or […]
Subjective impacts Method
During the period between March and November 1999, I undertook a total of nine semi-structured interviews with women and men who had sought access to licensed donor insemination following the enactment of the 1990 Act. The sample comprised three lesbian couples and one woman in a lesbian relationship whose partner did not attend the interview; […]
Most of the issues described by Freud as constituting infantile and childhood sexuality appear (or reappear) during adolescence. The issues of masturbation, bisexuality, sadomasochism, castration anxiety, penis envy, and oedipal involvement can all be expected to make their appearance during adolescence. However, unlike their sequential appearance for the infant and child, for the adolescent they […]
Love—It’s All in Your Head
hat does our brain have to do with our feelings of love and romance? New research into brain physiology has found that our brain is more involved than you might think. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain functioning revealed that certain areas of the brain experience increases in blood flow when a newly in love […]
From controlling to regulating the sex industry?
Since the late 1980s, Chinese police have tried to halt the development of a commercial sex industry in the PRC by implementing periodic anti-vice campaigns against illegal activities in recreational enterprises. Early campaigns were based on two articles contained in the PRC’s first Criminal Law of 1979, effective 1 January 1980. Article 140 stipulated that […]
Statutory provisions: the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990
Sarah Franklin[255] provides a feminist anthropological analysis of the parliamentary debates on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill,[256] highlighting the authority of legal discourse in this respect. Franklin[257] discusses the social construction of ‘natural’ facts in the context of kinship and legal parenthood. She argues: The order of nature provides the basis or foundation for […]
Race and the construction of threat and desire
In his analysis of desire in an antiblack world, Lewis Gordon, like Fanon, destroys the link between the penis and the phallus. His response to “the extensive literature on the reduction of black males to their penis” is that to deal effectively with the link between black genitals and black powerlessness we should attend to […]
Internet Relationships
The Internet has created a virtual community that has radically expanded “ options for meeting potential intimate partners and for communicating about sex (Albright, 2008; A. Brown, 2011; Parker-Pope, 2011). Facilitating and managing relationships online has become a billion-dollar industry in Love and Commnunication in Intimate Relationships the United States (A. Brown, 2011). Earlier in […]