The sexual possibility is placed upon the agenda of the adolescent by both the concerns of relevant adults and the expectations of significant peers (Miller and Simon 1980). In contemporary society, not all adolescents will be sexually active, but very few will be inattentive. An initial effort at consolidation of a sexual subject during adolescence […]
День: 06.11.2015
Ascribing legal parenthood
Anglo-Welsh law requires parents to register their child’s birth within 42 days.[232] Where the child’s parents are unmarried, the onus lies solely on the mother.[233] However, as Bainham[234] has noted, there is no requirement that the mother register the father’s name. The current statutory provisions relating to the circumstances which permit unmarried fathers’ registration are […]
Sex Work in the Law
In the Vandevelde-Colucci case, much of the dispute hinged on whether their relationship qualified as commercial sex work. Plenty of disputes arise, however, in cases where there is little question that part of what was going on was the commercial provision of sexual services. As we have seen, sex work covers a wide range of […]
Male and Female Styles of Intimacy
If any area of research in love and intimacy has yielded conflicting findings, it is the question of gender differences. Research has found that women tend to give more importance to the future of intimate relationships than men do (Oner, 2001). Women think more about whether a romantic relationship will develop into a long-term committed […]
Bunny girls were waitresses employed at Playboy clubs which were open between 1960 and 1988. Training included posture, how to carry a tray, how to order drinks and the Bunny Dip — how to bend over tables without breasts falling out of the costume. Bunny Mother carried out inspections before shifts, ensuring high standards of […]
The Rush to Motherhood
Meyers (2001) comments that the choice of whether or not to have children has the most profound impact on women’s lives. Such choices impact centrally on women’s identity (see also McMahon, 1995) as either mothers or non-mothers. They condition people’s judgements about oneself. They involve legal and social ties. And ‘Through motherhood decisions. . . […]
Obsessions inherited from apartheid
Let us take Mzi’s essay as an example. Mzi had gone with four friends from his work, “three whites, one coloured, and myself”, to Sandy Bay Beach for a braai. Sandy Bay was a nudist beach. Under apartheid beach laws, it was restricted for the white group. It seems as if at some point the […]
To See or Not to See—The. Consequences of Porn
hen I was in law school, I invited a really smart, goodlooking woman from one of my classes up to my apartment to listen to some music,” Brent, a twenty — seven-year-old attorney, recalled. “As she made her way into the living room to have a seat, I slipped into the kitchen to get us […]
Almost remembered youth Though the sexual may appear as a universal aspect of all social life, the timing of its formal recognition and consequent influence upon other aspects of individual development is far from being equally universal. On the societal level, some form of heterosexual genital intercourse is virtually universal; while not all members of […]
Discovering Your Partner’s Needs
Discovering what is pleasurable to your partner is an important part of sexual intimacy. Many couples want to know each other’s preferences but are uncertain how to find out. In this section, we look at some effective ways of learning about our partners’ wants and needs. Asking Questions One of the best ways to discover […]