The uptake of paid work Rosalind Edwards and Simon Duncan Lone mothers, caring for dependent children, are a rising proportion of the population in western Europe. Poverty and dependence on state benefits are increasingly important characteristics of lone — mother families in Britain, as compared with most other west European countries. Over 60 per cent […]
День: 07.11.2015
Male puberty is different from female puberty in many ways. Unlike ovulation, which occurs late in female puberty, spermatogenesis and ejaculation occur early in male puberty; ejaculation may even precede secondary sexual characteristics such as body hair and voice changes. Some boys become capable of impregnating a female even while appearing sexually immature (Lancaster, 1986). […]
The Failure of Institutional «Delivery Systems"
Not only the quality or safety of the prevailing contraceptive methods is problematic but also the institutional contexts through which these methods are administered. What we might call the social relations of the clinic, as they apply to reproductive health care, directly affect women’s contraceptive use in ways that in some instances impede rather than […]
As we discussed earlier, for most girls, the first signs of puberty are the beginnings of breast buds, the appearance of pubic hair, the widening of the hips, and the general rounding of the physique. Increased estrogen levels stimulate the growth of the breasts, labia, and clitoris; the enlargement of the uterus; widening of the […]
In order to explore the identity representation of disability as well as gender identity in a virtual world environment, a survey was conducted ofuser groups in Second Life, the virtual world chosen for this study. Given the size (in terms of number of participants), malleability, and the presence of formal agencies and groups associated with […]
Gottman’s Destructive Communication Tactics
From his observations of hundreds of couples, Gottman also identified destructive communication tactics. These tactics include criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling, and belligerence. Criticism As described earlier, criticism is different from complaining. Criticism that involves expression of contempt and denigration can harm a relationship. In contrast, complaining can be healthy because it allows expression of frustration […]
Hindrance of women’s sexual behaviour
Chastity is the norm of premarital sexuality among most of the social groups in Mali. It is perceived as the result of a good family upbringing, which fostered obedience to ethical norms and strengthened individual value systems. Girls’ virginity is a source of respectability because it proves self-mastery, maturity and decency. That is why virgin […]
Volatile Dialogue
Even happily paired couples occasionally butt heads on certain issues, and Gottman’s research suggests that some degree of conflict is actually essential to the long-term happiness of a relationship. While studying couples’ interaction patterns and reported levels of satisfaction over time, Gottman and his colleagues made a rather startling discovery. Couples in the early stages […]
Abortion and Contraception—The Necessary Link
The standards that pit "efficacy" against women’s health and wellbeing are at odds with feminist standards of reproductive freedom as they evolved in the 1970s. Both the contraceptive practices of women, as embodied in their increasing caution about the pill, and feminist ideology, as articulated by the women’s health movement, reject the notion that women […]
Physical Development: Big Changes
Puberty is one of the three major stages of physiological sexual development, along with prenatal sexual differentiation and menopause. Puberty marks the transition from sexual immaturity to maturity and the start of reproductive ability. In Chapters 4 and 5, we discussed the physiological and hormonal changes that accompany puberty, so here we will review only […]