День: 07.11.2015

“The Mothers Whom the F atherland N eeds”

In the first years of the war, most feminists in all the belligerent countries affirmed that motherhood was a form of national service. “We will be the mothers that the fatherland needs!” wrote the German socialist Henriette Furth in 1915. Women’s groups of all shades of opinion greatly expanded their charitable work for maternal and […]

Feminist Solidarity and Communicative Thinking

To even suggest that there is a feminist conception of solidarity might seem presumptuous. Therefore I will first consider what “feminist solidarity” might mean. Feminism is an unprecedented social, political, economic, and cultural movement in its scope and ambitions. It is not geographical, ethnic, racial, national, class, religious, sexually-oriented, or physiological by identity, and its […]

Receiving Complaints

Delivering complaints to a partner is difficult; likewise, receiving complaints from someone you love can be an emotionally rending experience. However, people involved in an intimate, loving relationship inevitably need to register complaints on occasion. How you respond to a complaint can significantly affect not only your partner’s incli­nation to openly share concerns in the […]


“Models of disability provide a framework for understanding the way in which people with im­pairments experience disability. They also provide a reference for society as laws, regulations and structures are developed that impact on the lives of disabled people. There are two main models that have influenced modern thinking about dis­ability: the medical model and […]

Ailments of the Scrotum

As long ago as the nineteenth century it was known that certain medi­cines could damage the testicles. Felix Roubaud, a famous French physician, described how in treating tuberculosis with iodine vapours he had observed four cases of progressive sexual impotence. He found ‘a marked wasting of the testicles’. Saltpetre was also found to be harm­ful, […]


The notion that online identity can be more fluid than “real life” identity is pervasive in the lit­erature and takes into account the different ways in which attributes of identity including gender, age, religion, cultural heritage, etc., manifest in online as opposed to physical settings (Bowker & Tuffin, 2007; Whitley, 1997; Suler, 2002; Nowak & […]