День: 09.11.2015

Which Contraceptive Method Is Right for You?

Effectiveness is not the only important factor in choosing a method of birth control. Many additional factors—including cost, ease of use, and potential side effects—influence indi­viduals’ and couples’ decisions about whether to use or to continue a particular birth control method (Westhoff et al., 2007). Table 10.1 summarizes some of the most important fac­tors: comparative […]

Testicular prosthetics

Testicular prostheses have been available since 1940. Before 1973 they were made of the metal vitallium, but since then gel-filled implants have been used worldwide. Prostheses are used, for example when: • an undescended testicle has been removed • a testicle has been removed because of a tumour • a testicle has been removed because […]

Bilateral cancer

Men who have once had testicular cancer are more at risk than ‘nor­mal’ men of developing cancer in the remaining testicle. Synchronous bilateral cancer occurs in 0.7 per cent and 1.5 per cent develop cancer in the remaining testicle within a year. Only a small number of men are involved, but even so, imagine if […]


In 1895, the Swedish author and activist Ellen Key gave a lecture entitled “The Misuse of Women’s Energy” before several women’s groups in Sweden. Key struck a sensitive nerve when she charged women with misusing their newfound emancipation in a futile struggle to imitate men while denying the deepest needs of the female personality. “For […]

Male Masturbation

Like women, some men feel very comfortable with masturbating, whereas others do not. Here are some comments from men: I used to never masturbate because she always did such a good job on me. Also, I guess Female masturbation. all the things drilled in your head before you can think made me think that it […]

Prawo a seksualnosc

«. Kodeks karny W polskim kodeksie karnym z 19 kwietnia 1969 r., obowiqzuj^cym od 1 styeznia 1970 r., przest? pstwa seksualne zostaly opisane w niektorych artykulach rozdzialu XXII (art. 168, 169 і 170 k. k.), a takze poswi? cony im zostal caly rozdzial XXIII. Artykuiy dotyezgee przest? pstw seksualnych zawarte w rozdziale XXII, traktu — […]

Reductionist Objections

While feminists and women’s historians like Linda Kerber criticized Carol Gilligan’s work methodologically for neglecting the historicity of her results and for ignoring the historical determinants of women’s difference which she had identified in moral theory, others argued that the kind of “difference” which Gilligan had described as being primarily, even if not exclusively, female […]


Pornografm wiqze si? z wpiywem bodzcow zewn? trznych (obrazkow, filmow, tekstow) na reaktywnosc і zachowanie seksualne czlowieka. Dotychczas nie ujednolicono znaezenia poj? cia pornografii І nie podano jego scislej defmicji. W zakresie oddzialywania pornografii na czlowieka istnieje tak wiele gl? boko zakorzenionych przesadow, ze obiektywna analiza jej rzeczywistego wplywu napoty — ka duze trudnosci. Seksualnosc […]