Male Masturbation

Like women, some men feel very comfortable with masturbating, whereas others do not. Here are some comments from men:

I used to never masturbate because she always did such a good job on me. Also, I guess Female masturbation. all the things drilled in your head before you can think made me think that it was de­grading, selfish, a waste of time, and why do it yourself when a woman is much better.

(Hite, 1981, pp. 488, 491)

I know other guys do it, but it doesn’t feel right for me. I just think I should be with a partner when I have an orgasm! (Author’s files)


Male Masturbation

One final word about masturbation: Some may choose not to do it for personal or religious reasons. Others may enjoy the release of sexual tension. This is an individual choice that each person needs to make for himself or herself.

SEX in Real Life

Male MasturbationMale Masturbation

Подпись: Is~ ver the years there has been a great deal of research yj on the sexual behavior of college students. As we dis- Ls cussed in Chapter 2, many of the published studies use college students as participants in their research. What we don't know much about, however, is college students' sexual behaviors in specific contexts, such as spring break. Colleges and universities provide students with a 1-week spring break vacation, usually sometime in March. It is estimated that 1 million U.S. students participate in some form of spring break vacation (Maticka-Tyndale et al., 1998). Today the most popular spring break locations are Florida, South Padre Island, Texas, Cancun, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and cruises. These vacations often consist of several friends traveling together and sharing rooms, with unlimited partying, high alcohol consumption, and many sexually oriented contests (such as wet T-shirt contests). Overall, vacations have been found to be times that people Подпись: break from typical routines—they might try new things and adopt a more laissez-faire attitude (Eiser & Ford, 1995). Research has shown that students on spring break have more permissive attitudes about casual sex than they do when they are in school (Maticka-Tyndale et al., 1998). In addition, students who drink alcohol are seven times more likely to have sexual intercourse than those who don't drink (Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 2002) , and more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors (O'Hare, 2005). Although more men say that they intend to engage in casual sex while on spring break than do women, the number of students that actually do are pretty similar for both sexes. Approximately 15% of men and 13% of women say that they engage in casual sex during spring break (Maticka- Tyndale et al., 1998). Why do you think college students might have more permissive attitudes about casual sex on spring break than the rest of the year?

Sexual Expression on Spring Break

Подпись: sex byte Every day 120 million acts of sexual intercourse take place around the world (Mackay, 2000). ^ Sexual behavior with Others————————————- ‘

We have already discussed the influence of hormones, ethnicity, and religion on sexual behavior. It is also important to understand that cultural factors, such as sex-role stereo­types, may influence sexual behavior. Our culture helps us define what is considered ac­ceptable and unacceptable sexual behavior. Some people experiment with different techniques, whereas others accept a smaller set of sexual behaviors. Overall, research has shown that not only is sexual satisfaction an important component to a happy marriage (Henderson-King & Veroff, 1994), but it is also linked to satisfaction, love, and com­mitment in sexually active dating couples as well (Sprecher, 2002).

Updated: 09.11.2015 — 04:21