‘Love is when the desire to be desired takes you so badly that youfeel you could die of it.’ Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864-1901 * ‘I had many affairs, but I was never into quickie sex. I’ve only sleptwith maybe a thousand men.’ Robert Mapplethorpe, 1946-1989 * ‘Wlien I’ve painted a woman’s bottom so that I […]
День: 09.11.2015
Rozbieznosci miqdzy modelami a wzorami zachowania seksualnego
Wiele konfliktow і zaburzen uczuciowych oraz seksualnych wynika z faktu, ze ludzie nie uzyskujq w zyciu uczuciowym і seksualnym tego, со, ich zdaniem, powinni uzyskac. A wi? c powstajq one wowczas, gdy wspolzycie uczuciowe і seksualne nie spelnia oczekiwan ludzi і nie jest takie jak wyobrazenia (sluszne czy niesluszne) о tym, jakie powinno bye. Oczekiwania […]
In 2003, the National Science Foundation (NSF) identified 492,440 doctoral scientists and engineers (or 685,300 if the social sciences and psychology are included) (NSF, 2006). Most of these doctoral scientists and engineers worked full-time. However, women were slightly less likely to be employed full-time. In a previous analysis of SDR data, the National Research Council […]
.During the abu ghraib prison scandal, the Baroness received a flood of phone calls. The photographs that ran in the newspapers and on television, the images and descriptions of torture, especially the picture of an Iraqi standing on a box with a hood over his head and electrical cables running to his hands, stirred a […]
A short-hand summary of the research findings suggests that, on the one hand, nothing can with certainty be said about how any child will develop merely from knowing that he or she comes from a lone-parent family or a two-parent family—second or intact. On the other hand, if the data are reliable, on average, the […]
«I’m Uncomfortable Having Sex with Him”
Many women pull back from having sex for a while once they find out about their partner’s porn use. The sense of betrayal, distrust, loss of respect, and their own sexual inadequacies and anxieties can combine to create a strong deterrent to physical intimacy. “Even though David and I shared an incredible sex life before […]
The exclusion of motherhood from the debate
A new ‘truth’ appears to have been established in which all debates about children and residence after divorce or separation are premised on the assumption that courts favour mothers over fathers.[446] This ‘injustice’ is treated as self-evident[447] because, statistically, after divorce or separation, children are still far more likely to live with their mothers than […]
Organising around HIV
Although the government response to HIV was slow, on the ground there was a flurry of activity. In cities large and small, organisations were formed to address the spread of HIV in the country and to deal with the inadequate and frequently discriminatory treatment of the HIVpositive. Although local government acceptance of civil society organisations […]
Keeping Sight of the System
I have conceptualized gender as a system operating at three levels in order to provide a heuristic for examining how sexuality is constructed in mundane interaction, and how the interactional level functions in conjunction with social structural and individual aspects of gender. I hope that this approach will foster thinking across disciplinary boundaries. Gender at […]
Limiting the Idea of Fatherhood
Involved fathers had a much fuller, more elaborate notion of what a father was than uninvolved fathers did. Involved fathers talked about fathering much as mothers talked about mothering. Uninvolved fathers held to a far more restricted mission—to discipline the child or to teach him about sports. For example, when asked what he thought was […]