День: 09.11.2015

Liv Haram

wanted a child, and although Nora had tried to conceive during their three-year — relationship, Nora had not yet conceived.1 Mal therefore suspected her of not wanting his child, and Nora feared that their relationship would fizzle out and that Mal would take back the land he had bought for her. During this time, however, […]

Intrauterine Devices

Intrauterine devices, commonly referred to as IUDs, are small, plastic objects that are inserted into the uterus. The two IUDs are the ParaGard and Mirena (I Figure 10.7). The ParaGard is a plastic T with a copper wire wrapped around its stem and copper sleeves on the side arms. Mirena is a polyethylene T with […]

“Ed Rather Do It Myself”: The Perspective of the Professional. Middle Class toward Controlling Media Exposure

The professional middle-class parents were less likely to be affronted by the mere notion that devices that constrain access to the media could substitute for parental control or undermine parental competence than they were when confronted with the idea of a child locator. However, as they talked about how they decide what their children may […]

Rownouprawnienie a seksualnosc kobiet

Zagadnienie to jest bardzo ziozone. Wprawdzie kobiety uzyskaly rowne prawa z m? zczyznami, lecz egzystuj^. w spoleczenstwie, ktore nadal respektuje przede wszystkim wartosci narzucone przez m? zczyzn. Oprocz tego sfera seksualna kobiet, przez diugie wieki modelowana nie przez ich wlasne potrzeby, lecz przez wymagania m? zczyzn, nie dorownuje rozwojowi sfery seksuainej m? zczyzn. Formalne partncrst […]

Stage Three: Emotional Wounds

Feelings of betrayal, disappointment, sexual inadequacy, and rejection can last for many months, even years, well past when the angry outbursts and crying spells have ended. Women often suffer in internal psychologi­cal ways that can be difficult for the porn user to see or understand. A woman’s self-esteem, sense of security, and ability to feel […]

Barnaul and the Altai Region

Across Russia, in southwestern Siberia, the flurry of NGO activity in Barnaul that had produced new state social services targeted to both women and men in vio­lent relationships has been accompanied by a new coordinated community-like initiative. In 2001, the director of the Altai regional department of the medical — social and family-demographic problems championed […]

How to Use Cervical Barrier Devices

The diaphragm and cervical cap are individually fitted by a skilled health-care prac­titioner. The practitioner should also teach women how to insert it properly so that they are confident about using it on their own (Hollander, 2006). In contrast, the FemCap and Lea’s Shield do not have to be fitted. However, unlike the case in […]


Among the most revolutionary aspects of Freud’s conceptualization of sexual development was one that he himself did not fully appreciate nor effectively work into his theoretical constructions. This was his almost casual observation that the object of the sexual drives was not an extension of those drives, not their natural mode of expression, but that […]