День: 10.11.2015

Institutional Studies

Individual universities and colleges have often conducted institutional research on salary, climate, or gender equity. One of the more well-known, but certainly not the first, gender equity studies was conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1999. In recent years, more and more schools have conducted standalone gender equity reports.[112] Such reports typically […]

The marketing of sex hormones

You don’t have to be a very keen observer to notice that today hormones are everywhere: not only in our language but also in hospitals, chemists’ shops, even in women’s dressing-cases. The introduction of the hormonal model of the body has been very successful, particularly for women. Women all over the world take hormonal pills […]

Mechanizrny neuroendokrynne

W sensie funkcjonalnym ukiad nerwowy jest tak scisle sprz? zony z ukiadem wewnqtrzwydzielniczym, ze jedynie w celu wi? kszej przejrzystosci omawia si? te uklady osobno, Czynnosc ukiadu nerwowego polega na sterowaniu funkejami і przekazie informaeji w organizmie {со odbywa si? za posrednictwem mi? dzyneuro- nowych transmiterow), na neurosekreeji (wydzielaniu mediatorow przez wszystkie komorki nerwowe і […]

A Healthy Pregnancy

Once a woman becomes pregnant, her previous lifestyle and her health habits and medical care during pregnancy play an important part in the development of a healthy fetus (Melhado, 2011). Fetal Development The 9-month (40-week) span of pregnancy is customarily divided into three 13-week segments, called trimesters. Characteristic changes occur in each trimester. First-Trimester Development […]

Masculinity/ies and sexuality

Masculinity (and femininity)—just like gender and sexuality[128]—does not simply reflect a biological ‘given’—but is largely a product of cultural and social process­es (Ortner and Whitehead 1981; Connell 1995; Gagnon and Parker 1995, Bourdieu 1998 and many more). Thus, neither masculinity nor sexuality are con­stant factors but change along with different historical and social structures, the […]

Psychofizjologiczne podloze seksualnosci

Niektorzy badacze poslugujq si? terminem „bioseksuologia”. Jest to dziaf seksuologii zajmujqcy si? wszelkimi czynnikami biologicznymi warunkujqcymi, seksualnosc; obejmuje on zarowno ogolne procesy biologiczne, jak і specyficzne fizjologiczne reakcje seksualne, zwiqzki mi? dzy morfologiq і anatomic a fizjologiq seksualnq oraz mi? dzy uktadem nerwowym і hormonami a reakcjami і odczuciami seksualnymi. Niewielkie roznice biologiczno-morfologiczne w budowie […]

Children as Linguistic Mediators

Consider the impact of children’s linguistic skills for their immi­grant parents. Even when young, children educated and brought up in the receiving country often have far greater skills in the new country’s language than their parents (see Portes and Hao 2002). In one crucial way, this reverses the usual skill distribution within the household. Studying […]

Model ekologiczny

Motywacja seksualna, mimo duzego zainteresowania, jakie budzi, nie zostala zbadana w takim stopniu, aby mozna bylo bez zastrzezen wyjasnic jej powstawanie, W dobie obecnej modelem seksualnosci najbardzej zblizonym do poznanych faktow naukowych jest model dwoch komponentow Whalena (1966), ktory w postaci zmodyfikowanej przez Schmidta (1974) przedstawia si? nast? pujj|co (rozwazania dotyezq. przy tym jedynie aspektu […]