For a concrete application, let us return to the contested topic of paid care, which has emerged as a crucial issue on the national political agenda. With the aging of the baby-boom generation, and as most mothers in the United States participate in paid work, the care of children, the elderly, and the sick is […]
День: 12.11.2015
The hotel heiress declared she was quitting one-night stands on Live with Regis and Kelly in June 2006. Six months later, ParisExposed. com revealed the contents of her locker, including a video allegedly including footage in a bubble bath. Most memorable is her 2003 starring role in One Night in Paris with ex Rick Salomon. […]
Sexual Aversion Disorder
A fear of sex and a compelling desire to avoid sexual situations are considered a sexual aversion disorder. Sexual aversion can range from feelings of discomfort, repulsion, and disgust to an extreme irrational fear of sexual activity. Even the thought of sexual contact can result in intense anxiety and panic. A person who experiences sexual […]
Notes on measurement and method
This appendix provides more detail on the measurements and methods used to quantify mobilization against gender violence in chapter 3 and media attention to gender violence in Russia in chapters 4 through 6. Women’s Mobilization against Gender Violence Measuring the extent of mobilization against gender violence in Russia is a difficult endeavor. As Weldon (2002, […]
Desire Discrepancy
Sexual partners usually have discrepancies in their preferences for frequency, type, and timing of sexual activities, often referred to clinically as desire discrepancy (Willoughby & Vitas, 2011). A couple’s incompatibility in terms of these preferences can contribute to sexual dissatisfaction, even when either of their preferences is, in itself, not a sexual problem (A. Smith […]
Conclusion: Feminism and the Conditions of Reproductive Freedom
The right to have or not have children; the right to have both children and a selfhood not dependent on them; these are still being fought for, and this fight threatens every part of the patriarchal system. We cannot afford to settle for individual solutions. The myth that motherhood is "private and personal" is the […]
‘You find out who your real friends are when you’re involved in a scandal.’ Liz Taylor The Profumo Affair MP John Profumo’s political career was ruined when news broke in 1963 that he had shared a mistress (albeit unknowingly) with an attache at the Soviet embassy. The woman in the middle was topless showgirl Christine […]
Step Four: Establish Twenty-Four-Hour Support and Accountability
Just as you need to be prepared to handle sudden unplanned exposures to porn, you also must be ready to deal with a desire to use porn, which can strike at any time. Taking a deep breath and counting to ten may work for some people, but this doesn’t work for most porn users. The […]
What about Policy?
One final disclaimer: despite its occasional forays into normative questions, this book by no means takes up a systematic exposition of normative principles that ought to govern intimate relations either in ordinary practice or in the law. Instead, the book clarifies the stakes of a number of consequential policy questions. It does so by overturning […]
The impact of feminism
Not only are men discriminated against, according to these groups; they are demonised as a consequence of feminist influence: ‘Violent women are treated more leniently than violent men. . . This is a result of the demonisation of men by radical feminists.’[676] Men and their interests are also marginalised: ‘Giving women equal value to their […]