День: 15.11.2015


Popular internet-based simulation Second Life is experiencing more and more sexual activity. Cybersex is becoming one of its most popular online activities, with the virtual world playing host to sex clubs for fans of long-distance computer love. Sex is limited to specialist sex zones, where users can begin with chat and description, and then move […]

Living dolls

In 2006, Henrik Christensen of the European Research Network told The Sunday Times, ‘People are going to be having sex with robots within five years.’ Sex dolls have been around for hundreds of years and dames de voyage, lifesize females made of cloth, were particularly popular aboard ships. These days cheap vinyl blow-ups are run […]

Rape and Sexual Assault of Males

Health professionals who work with rape survivors know that men are raped. Although the vast majority of rape victims are women, men are also targets of sexual aggres­sion, including rape (Coxell & King, 2010; Davies et al., 2006; Kassing et al., 2005). A 2007 survey conducted on American college campuses found that about 6% of […]

Sexuality and power

Recent controversies around sexuality thus further illustrate the intricate links between sexuality and the social relations of power flowing from gender, social class, and ‘race’ that have, historically, shaped it. As Michel Foucault put it, sexuality constitutes an especially dense transfer point for relations of power: between men and women, young people and old people, […]


Intimate partner violence (IPV, which may also be referred to as domestic violence) is found among all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic classes, and it is estimated that more than 2 million people—1.5 million women and 834,732 men—are victims of IPV each year (Gazmararian et al., 2000; Tilley & Brackley, 2005; Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000; Tonelli, […]

Problemy і kontrowersje moraine

Problemy і kontrowersje moraine w rozstrzyganiu zagadnien zwiqzanych z praktykq lekarskq spotyka si? we wszystkich dyscyplinach medycznych. Ich szczegolne nat? zenie, jaskrawosc, a nawet dramatyeznose sq uwarunkowane m. in. tempem rozwoju danej specjalnosci. Szybkie tempo rozwoju specjalnosci medycznej, zwykle pojawiaj{|ce si? okresowo, cz? sto poci^ga za sob$ wiele nowych, skom — plikowanych, nie uj? tych […]

The Aftermath of Rape

Whether a person is raped by a stranger, an acquaintance, or a partner, the experience can be traumatic and can have long-term repercussions. Given the characteristics of rape—the physical violation and psychological trauma that it inflicts and our societal attitudes about it—it is understandable that many rape survivors suffer long-lasting emotional effects. Rape perpetrated by […]

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

How can we prevent child sexual abuse? One program that has been explored is the “just say no” campaign, which teaches young children how to say no to inappropriate sexual advances by adults. This program has received much attention. How effective is such a strategy? Even if we can teach children to say no to […]