Love can add a powerful dimension to sexual relating. When two people experience genuine feelings of affection for each other along with sexual desire and arousal they can reach unparalleled levels of sexual enjoyment and satisfaction. Unfortunately, old associations learned from porn can make it difficult for a former porn user to easily tune into […]
День: 15.11.2015
Punishing Women Who Have Been Raped How would it feel to be raped by your enemies and then rejected by your family and friends for being sexually violated? Shortly after the war in Kosovo ended in 1999, reports surfaced in the press of the difficulties that Kosovar women who had been raped were having as […]
Wartime Rape
Although rape is most often a coercive interaction between two individuals, it has also been a strategy or policy of war throughout history (Mukamana & Brysiewicz, 2008). Records abound of the mass rape of women during war, from the time of ancient Greece to the more recent atrocities in Rwanda, Darfur, and the former Yugoslavia. […]
Sensual Pleasuring
Purpose: To sensitively explore each other’s body, learn touch preferences, and broaden the range of pleasurable experiences. Suggested Time: 30 minutes or longer Wear whatever is comfortable, whether it is loose clothing, underwear, or no clothing at all. Being nude makes it easier to feel each other’s touch, but if you are concerned about the […]
Helping the Victims Heal
Currently, the most effective treatments for victims of child sexual abuse include a combination of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapies, which teach victims how to understand and handle the trauma of their assaults more effectively. Many victims of sexual abuse also have difficulties developing and maintaining intimate relationships. Being involved in a relationship that is high […]
Reducing the Risk of Stranger Rape
1. Do not advertise that you are a woman living alone. Use initials on your mailbox and in the phone book; even add a fictitious name. 2. Install and use secure locks on doors and windows, changing door locks after losing keys or moving into a Many women take self-defense training to protect themselves from […]
. Confronting the Incest Offender
Males often are not taught how to express affection without sexuality, which leads to needing sex to confirm their masculinity, being more focused on the sexual aspect of relationships, and being socialized to be attracted to mates that are smaller (Finkelhor, 1984). Keep in mind that the incidence of female offenders may be lower because […]
Koncepcja dynamieznego przebiegu nenvicowych zaburzen seksualnych
Poszczegolne objawy nerwicowe w zakresie narzt|du plciowego zaz? biaj^ si? z sobtj і przechodzq jeden w drugi. Rozne postacie nerwicowych zaburzen seksualnych mogq oznaczac jak gdyby odosobnione fazy rozwojowe z uwypukle — niem dominujticych aktualnych objawow w zakresie narz^du plciowego. Objawy te jednak zmieniajtj si? і wzajemnie przechodz^ jeden w drugi. Typowe jest np. przejscie […]
Sexual Scripts
Sexual scripts are schemas that guide individuals’ interpretations of, and behaviors in, sexual situations. They operate at both the institutional and individual level. Norms regarding sexuality are internalized by individuals within a culture and influence their beliefs about appropriate thoughts and actions. Before we discuss these sexual scripts, it may be helpful to first examine […]
The Development of a Sexual Abuser
Three prominent theories—learning, gender, and biological—propose factors that make abuse more likely. Proponents of learning theories believe that what children learn from their environment or those around them contributes to their behavior later in life. Many child sex abusers were themselves sexually abused as children. Many reported an early initiation into sexual behavior that taught […]