День: 15.11.2015

Chapter 3: Of Gender and Genitals: The Use and Abuse of the Modern Intersexual [6]

gency.’’ The following are typical quotes from medical articles on intersexual­ity: ‘‘Ambiguous sex in the newborn infant is a medical emergency’’ (New and Levine 1981 ,p. 61); ‘‘Although it is now well-accepted that ambiguity of the genitalia is a medical emergency, this was not the case a decade ago’’ (Lobe, etal. 1987, p. 651); ‘‘Gender […]

Koncepcje ukladu partnerskiego

Jedn^ z zasadniczych koncepcji, na ktorych opiera si? wyjasnienie patogenezy, diagnostyka і terapia zaburzen seksualnych, jest koncepcja ukladu partnerskiego. Na podstawie koncepcji interakcyjnych zaklada si?, ze m? zczyzna і kobieta stanowiQ uklad zamkni? ty, w ktorym — zgodnie z dynamikq. interakcji — dochodzi do powstania, nasiiania si? lub wygaszania zaburzenia seksualnego. Dlatego uklad partnerski, a […]

Psychological and Emotional Reactions

Sexual abuse can be devastating for a child and often causes feelings of betrayal, power­lessness, fear, anger, self-blame, low self-esteem, and problems with intimacy and rela­tionships later in life (Valente, 2005). Children who hide their sexual abuse often ex­perience shame and guilt and fear the loss of affection from family and friends (Seymour et al., […]

Cyclicity versus stability

The chemical model of sex was a rather radical model because it reduced the differences between the sexes to one hydroxyl group: men and women differ only in the relative amounts of their sex hormones. This does not mean that sex endocrinology did not emphasize differences between the female and the male body. In addition […]

Acquaintance Rape and Sexual Coercion

Most rapes are committed by someone who is known to the victim—by an acquaintance or a friend—not (as popularly thought) by a stranger (deVaron, 2011; Ben-David & Schneider, 2005; P. McMahon, 2008). Research indicates that in approximately three out of four sexual assaults against women, the perpetrator is known by the victimized person (Romeo, 2004). […]

How Children Are Affected

There have been conflicting findings regarding the traumatic effects of sexual abuse. Some studies indicate that children are not severely traumatized by sexual abuse (Fritz et al., 1981), whereas more recent studies indicate that it may have long-lasting effects that may lead to other psychological problems, including antisocial behavior, drug abuse, and prostitution. Groth (1978) […]