A spinal cord lesion is a traumatic injury to the spine. The consequences depend on the location and severity of the trauma. Fortunately it is a rare injury. It is estimated that the annual incidence of spinal cord injury (sci), not including those who die at the scene of the accident, is approximately 40 cases […]
День: 15.11.2015
Necrophilia (ne-kruh-FILL-ee-uh) is an extremely rare sexual variation in which a person obtains sexual gratification by viewing or having intercourse with a corpse. This paraphilia appears to occur exclusively among males, who may be driven to remove freshly buried bodies from cemeteries or to seek employment in morgues or funeral homes (Tollison & Adams, 1979). […]
I. Wstqp II. Nowoczesne koncepcje rozwojo — we seksuologii і seksiatrii III. Granice normy і patologii seksualnej I. Wst$p Patologig seksualng, jako dztalem seksuologii, zajmuje si? seksiatria (seksuologia medyczna, patologia seksualna, medyczna wiedza seksualna), w ktorej mozna wyroznic dwa dzialy: kliniczno-patologlczny і sgdowo-patologiczny. Naiezy przy tym podkreslic, ze patologia seksualna jest nie tylko patologig pop? […]
Zoophilia (zoh-oh-FILL-ee-uh), sometimes called bestiality, involves sexual contact between humans and animals (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). You may wonder why we classify this as a coercive paraphilia, because such behavior does not involve coercing other people into acts that they would normally avoid. In many instances of zoophilia, it is reasonable to presume that the […]
Prison Rape
In 2003, President Bush signed off on the Prison Rape Elimination Act, a federal law that reduces tolerance for prison sexual assault, mandates the collection of national data on the incidence of prison rape, and provides funding for research and program development. This law has helped reduce prison rape and support those who have been […]
Cultural Attitudes
The belief that a woman has consented to sexual intercourse despite her objections rests on several assumptions. Martha Burt (1980, 1991) hypothesized that the status of women within American culture plays a significant role in the attitudes toward sexual violence held by persons, particularly rapists. These attitudes and beliefs may serve to facilitate sexually aggressive […]
Other Coercive Paraphilias
We conclude our discussion of coercive paraphilias with a few brief comments about three additional varieties of these coercive or invasive forms of paraphilia. The first two, frotteurism and zoophilia, are fairly common. The third variant form, necrophilia, is a rare and extremely aberrant form of sexual expression. Frotteurism Frotteurism (frah-toor-IH-zum) is a fairly common […]
Voyeurism (voi-YUR-ih-zum) refers to deriving sexual pleasure from looking at the naked bodies or sexual activities of others, usually strangers, without their consent (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Because a degree of voyeurism is socially acceptable (witness the popularity of sex sites on the Internet), it is sometimes difficult to determine when voyeuristic behavior becomes a […]
The problem with conceptualizing rape around the issue of consent is that the decision whether a woman has consented to sexual intercourse rarely is determined only by the woman herself. Often, instead, a woman’s consent, and ultimately her sexuality, may be determined for her by others —her partner, the community, or the court system. Women […]
Sick sperm and original sin
‘Babies Made with Sperm from Sick Donor’ read the front-page headlines in the Dutch daily Trouw at the end of February 2002. The report that followed these striking headlines was shocking enough! Eighteen children were found to have been artificially conceived with sperm from a donor suffering from a congenital muscular disease, which had only […]