Modern individuals can in principle adopt sexual identities at will, but they do not do so in conditions of their own choosing. The social and political context of modernity sets the stage for sexual possibilities. For example, new communication technologies such as the Internet provide new sexual options, including the adoption of ‘virtual’ identities in […]
Месяц: Ноябрь 2015
An Interest in Protecting Children
Many former porn users are deeply concerned with wanting to protect children from getting involved with porn. They know how easy it is to be exposed to porn at an early age and develop a serious problem in the absence of appropriate information and guidance. It can be very healing to come out of the […]
Lise of Alcohol or Drugs
A situational variable that may influence rape acknowledgment is the use of alcohol or drugs. Richardson and Campbell (1982) found that when the victim was intoxicated, college student observers viewed her as more responsible for the rape than when she had not been drinking. Similarly, Abbey (1991) found that observers rated a woman more sexually […]
Reaction of Peers
As Festinger (1950) noted many years ago, other people help us define reality. This can also be true in defining an experience as acquaintance rape. If a woman tells her friends about an assault experience and they label the experience as rape, the victim will more likely acknowledge the experience as rape then if her […]
Kliniczne aspekty normy seksualnej
W zwif|zku z caloksztaltem przemian w zakresie poglqdow, zwyczajow і obyczajow seksualnych, w swiadomosci seksualnej oraz w ustosunkowaniu si? do sfery zycia seksualnego czlowieka, jakie mialy miejsce w ci^gu ostatnich kilkudziesi?- ciu lat w kr? gu kuitury Europy Zachodniej, coraz wyrazniej zarysowuje si? potrzeba okreslenia normy seksualnej na uzytek kliniczny. Jest to zrozumiale, bowiem lekarz […]
ollege students were asked how they felt about prostitution and whether or not they thought prosti- ___ ‘ tution should be legal. Following are some of their answers. Female: Prostitution should be illegal, because it’s not healthy and morally wrong. Male: / think prostitution should be legalized. If people want to pay to get laid, […]
The Government: Prostitution and the Law
Prostitution is illegal in every state in the United States, except for certain counties in Nevada. However, even though it is illegal, it still exists in almost every large U. S. city. In general, the government could address the issue of prostitution in two ways. Prostitution could remain a criminal offense, or it could be […]
The Internet and Sex Work
The Internet has transformed the world’s oldest profession. Male and female sex workers are increasingly operating independently through individual websites. For example, by 2011 approximately 83% of sex workers in New York City advertised their services on Facebook (Venkatesh, 2011). The sex worker and customer negotiate through e-mail, which eliminates the need for part of […]
The Rodent’s Tale
1. Milton Diamond, Elizabeth Adkins-Regan, William Byne, Donald Dewesbury, Marc Breedlove, and, indirectly, Kim Wallen—all of whom study the role of hormones in behavior and/or study the comparative psychology of animals—took time to comment on an earlier draft of this chapter. Their critiques were generous and of enormous help. I am very grateful for their […]
The Client
As we discussed earlier, clients of prostitutes are often referred to as “johns,” “tricks,” or even “kerb crawlers” (Brooks-Gordon & Geisthorpe, 2003). The term trick has also been used to describe the behavior requested by the client. This term originated from the idea that the client was being “tricked” out of something, mainly his money […]