Sometimes the goods not only do not correspond to category as which it rank, but even can be hazardous to health. If it is possible to acquire the poor-quality goods, we are upset. But not each consumer will defend the rights, and only units of the deceived
День: 03.12.2015
How to find the ideal woman? Ten signs of its ideality
Those who argues that ideal women do not exist – diffident, diffident losers. Angela Hawkey, Certainly, ideal women under feet do not roll, but, believe me, they precisely go feet on this planet. Theoretically each man has a chance to meet
How to find the ideal woman? Ten signs of its ideality
Those who argues that ideal women do not exist – diffident, diffident losers. Angela Hawkey, Certainly, ideal women under feet do not roll, but, believe me, they precisely go feet on this planet. Theoretically each man has a chance to meet