Klismaphilia (kliz-muh-FILL-ee-uh) is an unusual variant of sexual expression in which an individual obtains sexual pleasure from receiving enemas (Agnew, 2000). Less commonly, the erotic arousal is associated with giving enemas. The case histories of many individuals who express klismaphilia reveal that as infants or young children they were frequently given enemas by concerned and affectionate mothers. This association of loving attention with anal stimulation may eroticize the experience for some people so that as adults they may manifest a need to receive an enema as a substitute or prerequisite for genital intercourse.
A sexual paraphilia in which a person obtains sexual arousal from contact with feces. urophilia
A sexual paraphilia in which a person obtains sexual arousal from contact with urine.
Coprophilia and Urophilia
Coprophilia (kah-pruh-FILL-ee-uh) and urophilia (yoo-roh-FILL-ee-uh) refer to activities in which people obtain sexual arousal from contact with feces and urine, respectively. Individuals who exhibit coprophilia achieve high levels of sexual excitement from watching someone defecate or by defecating on someone. In rare instances, they achieve arousal when someone defecates on them. Urophilia is expressed by urinating on someone or being urinated on. This activity, reflected in the chapter opening anecdote, has been referred to as "water sports" and "golden showers." There is no consensus about the origins of these highly unusual paraphilias.
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