Many know that there is a list of preparations which cannot be used, getting into the car. But not all know that them treat корвалол and valocordin which can be bought in a drugstore without the recipe. In this article I will tell, than the driver if will drink only 20 drops корвалола risks. Article especially is actual that since July the penalty for drunk driving raises to 300 thousand.
The car became for a long time not luxury, and a vehicle. Than cars on roads becomes more increasing, and quality of roads leaves much to be desired. Sometimes movement in general becomes inconvenient because of jams. And having got stuck in a stopper, it is heavy to remain quiet.
Some drivers have heart troubles or strongly are nervous. To calm down, many buy in a drugstore корвалол or valocordin as the recipe of the doctor on this purchase it is not necessary. After 20 drops of medicine, apparently, it is possible and to sit down at a wheel! Actually, it is far not so. Flakonchik with medicine gives a surprise! And not the most pleasant.
That everything to find out, we read the instruction to корвалолу. There it is specified that the structure of a preparation includes phenobarbital. It increases influence of other components, reduces excitement of TsNS and facilitates zasypaniye process. The producer also warns about care observance when driving car as speed of reaction and attention considerably decreases.
Now we will specify, during what time phenobarbital is removed from an organism. It is completely deduced by kidneys in 8 days. And if to drink a thaw 20 корвалола or valocordin on a hungry stomach moreover and without having slept? Unequivocally that survey will show existence in urine of metabolites of phenobarbital. After all who will wait, while will pass 8 days after will drink 20 drops of medicine? Probably, nobody will be. Though I think that would wait, if read the instruction more attentively.
Phenobarbital belongs to preparations which are forbidden for drivers. It turns out that you will break the law if survey shows existence in urine of the forbidden substance. That you only 20 drops корвалола or valocordin drank, will not excite anybody, believe. Even if someone will rush under wheels of your car or врежется to you, all the same you recognize as responsible for road accident, in case of detection in blood of the forbidden substance. Here also prove then that you are not a turkey-cock.
Be not sure that if the breathalyzer will show a zero, the inspector surely will release you. The inspector all the same can direct on medical survey if will suspect a condition of other intoxication. For example, pobledneny skin, unstable pose, inappropriate behavior and other reasons. And in hospital the analysis will show the content in urine of the forbidden substance of phenobarbital. Here to you and 20 harmless drops корвалола!
And after all since July of this year for drunk driving criminal liability and a penalty is entered rises to 300 thousand! The driver whom it is simple корвалола or valocordin drank, risks without the last trousers to remain or in general to appear behind a lattice. Will win court of chances very little even with the good lawyer.
I advise attentively to read the summary even to those preparations which are on sale without the recipe, and not to get into the car, while the substance completely does not leave an organism.
Well and now we will talk about such widespread means of calm how to smoke one-two sigarettes. You will think that here such, smoking to driving not a hindrance. It appears, it not so. You risk, if sit down at a wheel at once as smoked. Alkometr can show availability of alcohol if the tobacco smoke gets to it. But problems are not necessary to you, therefore after smoking wait for minutes five better before getting into the car, and do not forget to rinse companies water.
What to do, if after all the inspector stopped you, right after that as you smoked or during smoking at a wheel? If he suggests to pass check, you have full authority to refuse and demand the direction on physical examination. The inspector should make the protocol on the direction, a copy to give you and to bring you to clinic.
Let’s assume, you hurry up and do not want to go to be checked to hospital. Then be surely convinced that алкометр has the intact brand of the state checking, the certificate on checking and entry in the log. The disposable sealed mouthpiece should be used, before use it cannot be wiped any liquid.
Track, that brand, the model and serial number of the device surely specified in the act. If the passport on the device will not show, fix it in the act. Surely demand to hand out listing of results of survey. Check, whether there is in listing a date and testing time, serial number of the device.
If the device shows availability of alcohol, do not panic. Surely fix the disagreement with the protocol, lack of intoxication. Request a protocol and resolution copy, pay attention, that the text could be read. Insist on medical survey passing.
I advise not to give in on requirements of the inspector to pass spot check. Do not risk, it is much more reliable to make it in clinic. Entrust survey to the doctors working in policlinics and having the corresponding licenses. Track, that the doctor drew up the statement without corrections, deletions or reductions, subscribed, set the seal and registered in the Magazine of registration.
Know about the rights and do not allow anybody to break them, including to inspectors of traffic police. Also show consideration for that you use, getting into the car.
Good luck on the road!