Albert Einstein. The imagination is more important than knowledge?

On March 14, 1879 in Herman and Paulina Einstein’s family there was a joyful event: on light there was a kid whom they decided to name Albert. There was it in the small German city of Ulm. Albert Einstein. The imagination is more important than knowledge?

It is impossible to tell that Albert’s parents lived in misery, but also safe it was difficult to call their financial position. In search of prosperity Herman and Paulina moved to Munich, here soon Albert had little sister Maria.

Already since the childhood in Albert’s character there was an internal fight. Happened so that future scientist received primary education at Catholic school. The boy so sincerely believed everything that presented on occupations that parents already seriously thought that career of the priest is necessary to the son.

But soon the hobby for natural sciences came to change of devotion – Albert with ecstasy plunged into reading popular scientific magazines. It also served that it arrived in polytechnical school in Zurich, being going to become the teacher of physics. Here Einstein got acquainted with future spouse – Mileva Maric.

The hobby for natural sciences gained in strength, teachers noted eagerness of the student, especially his unusual mathematical possibilities. But future pioneer of the theory of a relativity was too independent in judgments, often argued, went against the settled representations. When Albert received the diploma about the higher education, any of teachers did not show desire to help the talented student throughout scientific career.

For young Einstein the period of tests began. Difficulties in job searches. Continuous earnings was not – the podrabotka occasionally led to that Albert owing to regular starvation fell ill. It is not known, the destiny for the young man if it was not helped by the fellow student and the companion Marseille Grossman as though disposed. Marseille promoted the friend at the device in the Bern Bureau of patents where Einstein and worked more than seven years.

But the trouble does not go on the single – in the autumn of 1902 Albert’s father is seriously ill, at the first gloomy news Einstein goes to Italy and hardly manages to find the father the live.

Tests rallied Albert and Milev – in January, 1903 they decide to get married.

Work in Bureau of patents allowed Einstein not only though somehow to contain a family, but also to continue to be engaged in scientific activity. In 1905 the German magazine «Physics annals» publishes its three articles. Three articles, as three sparkles, zazhyogshy revolution in physical understanding of the world.

From this point Albert Einstein’s life abruptly changes, the young scientist becomes world-famous also a set of offers for scientific cooperation.

… From the date of Albert Einstein’s death passed more than sixty years. But nevertheless it would be desirable to imagine a small room with a fireplace where in a rocking-chair the person covered by a plaid advanced in years sits. The person, despite age, with naughty eyes and a disobedient head of hear. Under a flame crash in a fireplace to it ask questions and receive answers:

– Why to you the idea of the theory of a relativity came?

«A time I wonder, as it turned out, what exactly to me has the luck to become the author of the theory of a relativity. The reason, in my opinion, that the normal adult person never ceases to reflect on space and time problems. There are things on which he reflected, being still the child. But my intellectual development went with delay therefore questions of space and time began to interest me when I already grew».

– What knowledge the person should possess to make a discovery?

«The imagination is more important than knowledge!»

– You are sure???

«The only thing that prevents to study me, so this my education!»

– Except imagination something else is necessary?

«Very few people are capable to express unperturbably opinions, distinct from the standard prejudices of their social environment. The majority of people are not capable even to imagine such opinion».

– Хм. And how common sense?

«The common sense is a concourse of the prejudices acquired to eighteen-year age».

– To go against opinion of the majority? Unless one soldier can march in step, and the others – are not present?

«A question which nonpluses me: the madman I or all round me?»

– Just about! Whether it seems to you it is reasonable?

«If not to sin against reason, it is impossible in general to anything to come».

– What do you consider as the most interesting in human life?

«The finest thing which we can test is a secret. It – a source of a true art and a science. The one to whom these emotions who cannot be surprised and fade in awe any more are alien, it is possible to consider as the dead person: his eyes are closed. Penetration into secret of the life, interfaced to fear, impulsed for religion emergence. Know that incomprehensible really exists, proving through the greatest wisdom and the most perfect beauty which our limited abilities can comprehend only in the most primitive forms, is a knowledge, this feeling and serves the main real religiousness».

– And at last: what will you wish to our readers?

«There are two ways to live: you can live as if miracles do not happen, and you can live as if everything in this world is miracle».

– Хм. Not so the crowd welcomes those who "other-wordly", them consider as the odd fellows who have been torn off from a reality of life. How to be?

«And here so!»

The look slipped on a photo where the gray-haired master of a science foolishly puts out the tongue …

Updated: 12.10.2015 — 14:16