Songs in which cars – surprising are mentioned. On them easily it is possible to track, as life in our country from a decade by a decade changed. Went!
Victoria Shapiro,
«I to you will not tell for all Odessa…», – it is sung in one well-known song. Here and I will not tell to you for all history of Russia, and I will be limited to a semicentenial piece which begins with emergence in our life of cars.
Are not so terrible neither a rain, nor slush.
Sharp turn and slope…
That it was not necessary liked to cry,
More strong a steering-wheel hold, the driver!
For the first time «The song of the driver» sounded from screens of TVs in 1961 (then TVs were far not in each family, not that that cars). It was time when the wheel was called as "steering-wheel", and in service records was written not the driver, and "driver". To become the driver of the truck almost each second Soviet boy dreamed. Of the privately owned vehicle if dreamed, units.
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Unranked, -
Keyko, -
Max Krucha,
Let’s tell, first "Muscovite" was let out in 1956, but the majority of citizens did not give to this event any value – so it was far from real life. In the 1967th the Muscovite-412 model which has received relative popularity and even entered into jokes was mass-produced. More than that, Edward Hil executed the anthem "Muscovite":
And a head, head wind – at all!
As the song, the route new we will begin.
I like your working character –
Not for nothing you called "Muscovite"!
And further:
On light to live ridiculously without effort,
Today and car to be difficult …
Perhaps car then was to be and it is difficult, but it was much more difficult than it to get. Even that who much and hard worked. After all "Muscovites" was issued it is insignificant a little.
In 1970 the Soviet newspapers reported to the people a long-awaited message: «The first minicars descended from the conveyor of the Volga automobile works». The car received the trading name "Zhiguli". It is clear that it not the first car of domestic flood. "Muscovite", "Volga" and the more so "Victory" much more outstripped "colleague". But "Zhiguli" received an informal rank of the national car and began to be issued quite big, for those times, in lots.
And still, despite autoproduction expansion, cars were available very to the little therefore car acquisition – even second-hand – for an average family was an event of almost space importance. Young singer Alla Pugachyova and declared from a platform:
In the house excitement, noise, surprise,
It not fairy tale, and быль.
Somewhere in the country, very cheaply,
The father bought the car.
With the burst headlight, with doors old,
Centuries of a past style,
Somewhere in the country, very cheaply,
The father bought the car.
Of course – to owners of cars envied. In certain circles was considered that honest work to earn on «an iron horse» it is impossible. Therefore on the owner of a personal car often were "badly" mown.
Whether Vladimir Vysotsky could avoid this subject in the creativity? Certainly, no! There was «A song of the autohater»:
It to me not friend and not relative,
It to me – the sworn enemy, —
Four-eyes private owner
In green, gray, white "Zhiguli"!
Meanwhile «private owners» could and be regretted – garages had units, and the others lived in eternal fear that the car will steal. Therefore Yury Lozy’s song much was close and clear:
Month is on duty at the nights a family,
All "Zhiguli" we guard.
The grandmother became itself not the,
And the grandfather sleeps sluggishly and immoderately with a gun.
The father put a bear trap,
But it did not help –
Someone left in it a dirty glass
Also removed a windshield.
But here on change to "kopeks" expensive to heart and "Ladas" let out for export, the new generation of "Zhiguli" came. In the 80th to have "nine" was considered as unprecedented chic that the Kombinatsiya group was not slow to reflect in the repertoire:
Your cherry nine
Me absolutely from mind brought together,
Your cherry "nine"
My rest at all took away.
Or still here this, executed by Irina Allegrova:
If will ask me where took
I such boy sweet,
I will answer that stole,
As another’s car "nine" I!
In 1985 there was a song "Cars" which was executed by "Cheerful children». The song turned out really axiomatic, characterizing a number of aspects of life of that time. Judge:
Likely, we will forget to go soon –
Already the habit to go lives in us.
To pass on foot only two steps we suffer,
Hundred kilometers on a car – are not counted.
Aha! If the author of the text writes that «the habit to go already lives in us», means, car owners during that time in our country considerably increased. That is cars became more available. We read further:
The motor the roar for us sounds, as music;
As aroma we inhale gasoline.
What is necessary for us? Highway strip narrow,
Yes spare parts treasured shop.
Everything is clear. 30 years ago roads in the country remained still narrow and deficiency still was norm of life, after all not for nothing the shop of auto parts is called "treasured".
For us cars were created.
But here other times came.
And day and night we under car creep –
We serve it that it went.
Well, what here you will tell? And the child will understand that in the eighties with car-care centers in the country there was simply a trouble. Otherwise, why to owners of cars continually to creep under them?
And now the most interesting. Remember a refrain of this song?
Cars, cars
Literally all captivated –
Where the century lay a dust,
The trace left the car.
It about what? Really about "jams"? Ha! Well, to "jams" we still will return. For now we will remember pair of songs from Post-Soviet automobile history.
So, outside 1993. From street booths that also put раздаётся: «My "Toyota" as if bird». This is Alexander Ayvazov sings about happiness to have «an abrupt wheelbarrow».
I увидал China and Nepal,
City of Nagasaki I увидал.
And there came into one big hall,
Someone in Japanese something to me told.
There was you, sparkling as a beacon,
Fine "Toyota" washing,
And I got into debts, and I bought you …
Then, in the 90th, to Russia streams of import cars rushed. To get the car of the foreign production, many really got into astronomical debts, however among owners of the first foreign cars was and many citizens who have acquired the capital not in the most lawful ways. It about them was sung by well-known Seryoga:
… After all I have a black bumer, a bumer clockwork.
Sit down more safely, the little girl, we will drive with you.
And then that Sergey Trofimov in the song «The city in jams» so precisely described came:
"Bentley", "Zhiguli", "Toyotas",
As oiled sprats,
Press close in narrowness of concrete routes …
Generally, to "Cheerful children» in 1985 such also did not dream:
The city rose, the movement died.
Somewhere there "Gazelle" decayed
Options are not present, I sit, I smoke.
The jeep sprawled on a suspension bracket.
I send to acquaintances of sms:
It is not necessary to wait, I will be by December …
And still, and still … Together with "jams" we got also feeling, what lived till times when the car became not luxury, and a vehicle.