Many women when learn that at them will appear soon the child, reflect, whether it is possible for them to continue in situation to drive the car. This question is quite clear, after all mothers safety and health of her future child is very important.
Whether it is necessary to stop driving at pregnancy? Everything depends on future mother. If pregnancy passes easily and without difficulties, the woman can continue the active way of life, including driving. Let’s consider, what precautionary measures are necessary for observing, that driving was safe both for the child, and for you.
First, it is necessary to consider skills of driving and experience. If you can quietly operate the car without a nervous tension and thus do not see for yourself any barriers, safely get into the car. Also it is necessary to pay attention to a physical condition, for example – continuous presence of fatigue or "slackness".
But if you at a wheel not too also are not able to drive long ago professionally and competently to avoid dangerous situations, it is better to refrain, since it can be dangerous and to nervous system, and in general it is possible to get into failure and to lose the child.
Let’s consider contra-indications for female motorists.
If your attending physician quietly looks at that you continued to drive, and does not see any dangers, then contra-indications are not present. In such condition it is possible to continue to drive till 8th month of pregnancy, if not earlier.
But contra-indications spasms can serve in area as a foot (the foot grows dumb with them and there is difficult a pressing the necessary pedal), the speeded-up faints and, probably, even high threat of an abortion often meeting at many women the toxicosis appearing at early stages. In these a case it is better to secure itself and to refuse driving, in the benefit to you and the kid.
Also not to the superfluous will tell about those features which are inherent in pregnant women when driving.
Many future mothers in pregnancy can have the different factors disturbing to an everyday life: drowsiness, fatigue and even irritability. Therefore it is important to understand that now at a wheel of it is necessary to conduct more frostily and quietly, not to resort to any maneuvers, overtakings, wishing to pass quicker under the light. It only will aggravate a nervous tension and can badly affect on health of the baby. Therefore it is better to go not so quickly, to keep a distance and not to fuss. Usually consults to define for itself the lungs and quiet routes and to go on them.
During pregnancy the back assumes big loading therefore it is important to establish the seat in such situation that it allowed a back to relax. It is possible to take a favourite soft pillow of the small size from the house and to enclose under a back. Thus the distance between a body and a wheel should be not less than 20 centimeters.
Also do not forget to put on a seat belt, after all this one of the most important factors of safe driving. To avoid dehydration, it is desirable to keep a small bottle of water in the car and something to have a bite, after all the organism is unpredictable at this time.
If to adhere to all these councils and to think first of all of the benefit of the kid, instead of about desire to drive the car, it is possible to avoid many imprudent situations and to keep health.