Whether so sugar is harmful?

The majority of people, especially children, love sweet and eat it rather often. But doctors, especially dietitians, constantly go on to us about harm of sugar, meaning sucrose, and even nicknamed it «white death». Therefore for a start let’s repeat the horror stories sounded by dieticians. Whether so sugar is harmful?
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Sugar is one of the most effective remedies of supply of an organism power sources. Its carrier in cages – a hormone the insulin developed by a pancreas. If consumption of sugar is superfluous moreover and at simultaneous reception with food of proteins and fats, superfluous sugar remains in blood, and diabetes of the second type develops. Constantly high level of insulin in blood can lead to decrease in its development by a pancreas that involves diabetes of the first type.

In an organism sugar is split on the glucose which surplus damages walls of blood vessels and can lead to adjournment of plaques of cholesterol in them. And it is heart attack or stroke threat. Excessive consumption of sugar can lead also to obesity and caries of teeth.

What, were frightened?! Not will eat more sugar? However if you attentively read an introductory part of article, noticed there words «superfluous consumption», permanently accompanying horror stories. And if moderately, it is possible? Then the devil, how his baby is not so terrible?

For example, English scientists from Edinburgh consider that influence of sugar on weight and a figure of the person carries rather psychological, than biological character. Everywhere extended information on harm of sugar causes negative emotions in people. Scientists urge to think positively and not to exaggerate harm of sugar.

Opponents of sugar repeatedly inspired the researches, having for an object to prove communication between the increased consumption of sugar and risk of development of heart troubles, kidneys and a disease diabetes. However this communication did not receive scientific confirmation. Now scientists doubt even that the increase in reception of sugar causes obesity as it appeared that lean people eat more sugar, than grown fat. The only thing that is proved, so it that sugar strengthens injury of teeth. However simple rinsing or toothbrushing without effort remove this problem. Laziness to read? Then listen!

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Another thing is that the people having diabetes, obesity and some other diseases, should reduce consumption of sugar or pass to the equivalent substitute which is not breaking a food of a brain. That is it is not necessary to confuse the reason to a consequence. The listed diseases have set of the reasons, and consumption of sugar them aggravates.

Independent experts consider that influence of sugar on a human body is still insufficiently studied, therefore there are no bases so categorically to refuse its use as its substitutes are harmful and thus not so surely lead to weight loss. And as to influence on teeth so after all nobody cancelled rules of hygiene of an oral cavity.

However, listing horror stories concerning sugar, dietitians are compelled to recognize that sugar is necessary for an organism, which itself develops it from food in the form of fructose, and then will transform fructose to glucose. So business at all in sugar as a food product, and in its quantity.

Artificial sakharozamenitel are much more harmful to the person, than sugar. Why in general to apply the means, registered to diabetics if the person has no such diagnosis? After all reception of substitutes of sugar breaks a metabolism (exchange process) in an organism, including in it absolutely unnecessary substances. The first of sugar substitutes – saccharin, was thought up at the beginning of the XX century and became very popular, despite bitterish smack, as well as similar to it ацесульфам K.Produkty with their inclusion is worse to taste, than with sugar, and besides can cause a cancer.

At one time as the main substitutes of sugar were considered, especially at diabetes, ксилит, sorbite and a mannitol. However it appeared that frequent their consumption in high doses can cause a diarrhea. They are difficult for using also in confectionery production as when heating they decay and lose the properties. It is now most popular аспартам, but also it when heating decays.

Now sugar substitutes from vegetative raw materials are studied, but they are much more expensive than chemical products and not to all are available (for example, стевиозиды, developed of leaves of a tropical plant of a stevia). The products developed from a stevia, not only can replace sugar, but also contain many substances useful at treatment of a number of diseases. Stevia leaves in 10 times are more sweet some sugar, and a syrup from them – in 60.

In Russia the scientific research institute of a sugar beet and the sugar, located in the Voronezh region, developed technologies of cultivation of a stevia in the Russian conditions and receiving substitute of sugar on its basis, however while nobody hurries up them to apply. Buy import products from a stevia which are much more expensive (such is our option of innovative economy – we buy import extremely expensively, and the science we suppress).

So really to replace sugar meanwhile there is nothing. Therefore it is necessary to observe only moderation at its consumption and periodically to check the content of sugar in blood. Partially dried fruits – raisin, dried apricots, prunes etc. to whom that is pleasant can replace sugar. Dates are especially useful. Sugar is not too harmful if to consume it reasonably, combining with other products.

So, people, it is possible to afford sometimes and a little sweet (remember that the amount of sugar consumed once, and frequency of its consumption during the day is dangerous not). I, for example, drink tea three times a day, and I put 1 spoon of sugar on a teapot that tea was ready better, and as the sweet I eat dates. Very useful thing, very much! I wish all a good health and good luck!

Updated: 12.10.2015 — 14:16