Want to take the credit for housing? It is necessary to weigh and calculate everything!

Today it is very difficult to buy or construct new housing. And for families with average prosperity it is simply impossible. Want to take the credit for housing? It is necessary to weigh and calculate everything!
Alexander Raths, Shutterstock.com

In that case the mortgage remains the unique chance to get long-awaited real estate. The banks, rendering such service, there is a lot of. Knowledge of the borrower in a question of crediting happens different. One is clear in the mind about all process, another needs additional "instruction".

If all of you decided to get the apartment, before you inevitably there will be a question: where to go, how to choose, whether I can use a mortgage and obtain the credit for housing purchase. Making of the decision on a credit occasion, it is necessary everything attentively to weigh and calculate.

  • Want to take the credit for housing? It is necessary to weigh and calculate everything!

The minimum rate in various banks fluctuates from 10,5 % to 15 % in rubles. The maximum maturity date of the credit fluctuates from 25 to 30 years. At a choice of bank it is necessary to pay the attention to possibility of early repayment of the credit and to conditions. Because in some banks the commission (penalty) for early repayment can be raised. As the minimum sum which you are obliged to bring at early repayment is often established. Some banks raise the monthly commissions therefore the interest rate considerably increases from clients and exceeds declared by bank in the contract. It is necessary to pay close attention to it!

It is necessary to decide on the mortgage program. Now the bulk of banks offers crediting of 90 % from apartment cost. With crediting of 100 % you almost will not find programs of purchase of the apartment.

Therefore the first of what you should take care, is an initial contribution. The minimum initial contribution should be from 5 % to 15 % from housing cost. Everything depends on the bank chosen by you. The means saved up by you or the apartment if there is a possibility can become the first contribution, it is possible to borrow simply from friends or relatives. It already to solve to you. Laziness to read? Then listen!

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Also your age matters. Most willingly banks give the credit to people from 21 to 55 years. This age category approaches practically under any program of crediting. If your age does not correspond to this category, do not despair – there are banks which finance till 70-75 years.

You should have a continuous registration in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is not enough banks which are ready to finance nonresidents and persons without continuous registration.

Now about your salary. Even if it at you "not white", all of you can equally obtain the credit in some banks. Also you can consider not only the income, but also the income of the spouse or the spouse. You can involve in sozayemshchik on the credit of relatives. However, banks have a restriction in their quantity.

You should be defined, you want to buy what apartment. If in a new building – that is primary market, if already constructed and having the right of a property – the secondary market. The crediting program depends on it.

Life insurance, apartments and work capacity of the borrower should be an indispensable condition at delivery of a mortgage loan. It is necessary to protect itself from possible risks.

On the last forecasts of experts the rise in prices for qualitative housing will proceed. Therefore if you made the decision about apartment purchases, do not wait for a stop or recession of the prices, get now better.

Certainly, the mortgage is long financial obligations, but with its help you can possess own housing. It becomes for you additional incentive for further development.

I wish you successful transactions!]

Updated: 12.10.2015 — 14:16