Why the apartment needs to be rented, instead of to buy?

I know that the subject of purchase of the housing is very painful for many people and nevertheless I want to pay your attention to this "dark" party of possession of own real estate. Why the apartment needs to be rented, instead of to buy?

When young people enter adult life and start to live independently, separately from parents, they have at once a question – where to live? The roof over the head is necessary to all. It is necessity – and for those who is still lonely, and for those who already established an own family, the «society cell».

There is a question: what it is more favorable – to buy the apartment (having taken a mortgage loan) or to live in the demountable apartment? It is more favorable to rent

Here that I think about it:

1. I will tell frankly, I am struck by the adult people living together with the parents. At once the New Year’s classic film "Twist Of Fate or Happy Bathing!" and Eugene Lukashin is remembered.

It agrees that (in fact – to yesterday’s children) obviously it is too expensive for youth to take and buy the own apartment at once. But, you see, all on forces to rent demountable housing and to lead the life, instead of to remain as the unreasonable child in the parental apartment.

2. Calculations show that has no financial sense to buy the housing, it is much more favorable to rent it!

Take the calculator and count – be convinced of it! At sale you cannot return yourselves all money which you pay to bank for apartment acquisition in a mortgage. Upon housing purchase by means of a mortgage loan the huge overpayment in 2-3 times turns out.

Therefore I recommend to you to rent the first housing and at the same time to accumulate money for apartment acquisition. At such approach you can save up money in only 10-15 years (a mortgage you will pay in 2 times more long) – at the identical amount of monthly financing. Unevident benefits

Besides financial arguments, is also indirect benefits of accommodation in demountable housing:

– you can rent housing where it is more convenient to you to live (near work, near kindergarten or school, near park, at the river, etc. – depends on your preferences and financial possibilities);

– you "are not adhered" till the end of life to the apartment (region of residence) and can move freely at any time and to any place at discretion;

– you do not "freeze" the money in an illiquid investment (what is today real estate since it difficult quickly to sell at high market price), and direct them on commission of investments, diversified on different classes and the directions;

– you keep a peace of mind – on you will not press for many years huge cargo debt of a mortgage and constant fear of eviction from the apartment in case of sudden dismissal (deprivation for any reason of the basic – and often the only thing – an income source);

– you do not overpay huge money for using a mortgage, and keep them in the family budget and reasonably direct on creation of the financial pillow, multiple sources of the income and receiving pleasures from life.

P.S. And what you think about it – more favorable to rent or buy? How solve the housing question?

Updated: 12.01.2016 — 08:15