How to prevent a nervous breakdown?

Many drivers know that means to try to get the car with the "sat-down" accumulator. Some time we notice that with the accumulator something is created wrong, but we think that now not time to be engaged in it, hoping that it will not bring us. But here in one winter frosty morning, we realize what to get the car it will not be possible. As a rule, it happens at that very moment when we very much hurry. This "sat-down" accumulator spoils to us many nerves and forces. And we think that for a long time it was necessary to deal with it. How to prevent a nervous breakdown?

Something similar occurs and to us as a result of the wrong way of life. The nervous breakdown can arise when we for weeks, months and even for years we spend energy more than we receive.

Whether it is possible to prevent a nervous breakdown? Certainly, it is possible and even it is necessary to make it. And here prevention is the best means, as well as in fight against any disease.

For a start we need to know three stages of a nervous breakdown.
The first – "hour of triumph". This time of enthusiasm, ardent desire to carry out an objective and satisfactions from work. At this stage of people it is completely given to work. Enthusiasm is so great that he at all does not pay attention to power stocks. They start to be spent actively, beginning devastation process.

It leads to that stage which call «shortage of fuel». Only now the person starts to notice that forces on an outcome. Symptoms of internal exhaustion start to appear. Detachment becomes a usual condition at this stage. Symptoms of various diseases are felt, irritability and a rage comes. To fall asleep there is everything more difficult and awakening at night – a commonplace. The depression in which from reality escape by means of alcohol and drugs, or a prosizhivaniye for hours and hours at the TV more often begins.

The last stage – "crisis" approaches. During this moment of the person covers pessimism and desire to revenge. Doubts at the slightest pretext begin, there is an indecision. The condition of apathy becomes an obstacle for the solution of the problems. The disappointed people often give up work at this stage. The person is pursued by one question: «To whom is all this necessary?». Laziness to read? Then listen!

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So, knowing stages which should signal about danger, and having found at least one of them in itself, it is necessary to change rather something in life not to receive a nervous breakdown.

What it is necessary to change? What secrets of fight against a nervous breakdown? They are simple, as all ingenious.

It is necessary to have a rest urgently, and not how you do it always. In this case rest can be and change of a kind of activity. It is necessary to change the day regimen. At this time it is necessary to do more that is pleasant, having from it pleasure and satisfaction.

It is extremely necessary to eat properly. In due time and in enough. To abuse food it is not necessary, as is much as it is harmful, as well as almost is nothing.
It is necessary to find time for entertainment. Let in life there will be not one work. Let it will be any hobby which would remove monotony and would bring satisfaction.

Physical exercises remove the stress, caused distressy (a negative stress) therefore take for a rule to allocate time for intensive loadings, especially, if you do not work physically on work. The body needs our attention and physical exercises will be special care of it. As they say: "a sound mind in a sound body".

That else is important for each of us in fight against nervous breakdowns – to have «group of support». People to whom it could talk, especially, are necessary to each person when is in the suppressed mood. There is a speech, certainly, about the friendly relations which are under construction not in a day — two therefore it is necessary to think of it in advance. Find the person who would enjoy your trust and could support at a difficult moment.

And the last – is extremely necessary to find time for a privacy and reflection about meaning of the life. Let it will be your personal time – meditation or prayer time, time when you will stay in yourselves. This time for internal self-understanding and development.

We have all necessary to prevent a nervous breakdown to live freely and more fruitfully to work. And from us, only our future depends on us. Let it will be light and happy.

Updated: 29.12.2015 — 04:46