Islands of the Andaman Sea: what they? Similana

it is not sure, whether it is necessary to go there specially. It is not assured not so. Beauty are and is more improbable, the fauna — is richer, and other. But each national reserve is original and is in own way interesting. Let’s look at Similansky islands. Islands of the Andaman Sea: what they? Similana
National park Galya Konstantinova, personal archive

Similan means «9» in Reality language (language – a dialect of Malayan language, certain Lingva of franc on which tell about one million people). Islands belong to Thailand. Thus national park already three tens years under UNESCO protection.

Similansky islands – the small archipelago from nine islands. Actually them 11 but when opened and called, two remote yet did not notice, then did not include in the archipelago. In a word, «9 islands» in the name is and there are 11 islands under Similana’s general name.

10 years ago these islands also strongly suffered during that terrible tsunami. As well as in many places of this huge region mentioned by elements, traces of disaster are visible still. It not only that «on the earth», it and that in the sea – for example, the destroyed coral reeves.

  • Islands of the Andaman Sea: what they? Similana
    Galya Konstantinova, personal archive
  • Islands of the Andaman Sea: what they? Similana
    Galya Konstantinova, personal archive
  • Islands of the Andaman Sea: what they? Similana
    Galya Konstantinova, personal archive

On the most part of islands it is impossible to land: there on the bank of a turtle postpone eggs. Not a rarity to see to the sea and a whale shark (if will carry or more likely on the contrary). But it is authorized to people to dive – however, too not everywhere. Fishing is forbidden. But in Thailand violation of laws, we will tell so, it happens. And the person after all happens and as a tsunami: will pass – can also live to destroy all. So, by the way, at all purposely.

Very pure water, is looked through on depth to 30 meters – here it not to destroy, it was, still while is and, I hope, will be. Small fishes and рыбищи: float regally and not especially timidly. Under water life continues to rage. On the earth animals wander, the birds some – from those types with which danger threatens the existence fly. For example, a birdie under the name the Jubate pigeon, or the Pigeon with a mane.

Got a bird so that the pigeon prefers to live on desert islands. It meets on those islands of the Andaman Sea where national parks are located. It can be quite tasty, as chicken, it can contain at an economy, hold as the pet – that it is however illegal. And still the nature presented it with ability to swallow minerals, from them are formed гастролиты (gastric stones), applied in jewellery. Such gifted creation should involve a predatory instinct of other biological being – Homo Sapiyens.

But he not chicken, it is a pigeon moreover and with a mane, and on genetic research – at all the close relative to the dodo (Dodo’s legendary bird).

The last representative of the regal sort is close to destruction. Not most last degree of danger of destruction, but nevertheless. When you are born beautiful and tasty – it is not surprising that you will start to prefer desert islands, without people.

In the world there is a lot of national reserves and parks. Thanks to them we are still capable at least for some days, even simply hours, to plunge into the protogenic nature. At least, citizens, inhabitants of huge megalopolises. For people – possibility to unload, dump troubles of a tekhnotronny civilization, for dumb animals – often possibility to survive.

Absolutely in other party from this sea reserved park there is other reserved and protected island – Pkhi-Pkhi. It is well-known and interesting to fans of a cinema. But about it we will talk another time.

Updated: 11.11.2015 — 02:38