With what we happen? Three types of a constitution

You never noticed, what people similar outwardly often show also lines of similarity of characters? It is not so casual, as that the psychology studies not only the sincere world of the person, but also his body is not casual also. The factors connecting structure of a body with structure of the personality, a set. Let’s concern only one, the major and base: such as a constitution.

Among people surrounding us it is possible to allocate quite accurately full, thin and strong. Physicians and psychologists, without philosophizing, took as a basis classifications the same division. And though in tipologiya of different authors types of a constitution can be called differently, the essence them is reduced to three base more often. These are types:

1) the asthenic;
2) piknicheskiya;
3) the athletic.

Let’s try very briefly them to characterize.

1. Astenik, as a rule, does not differ high power, endurance and force. It is thin, and, how many stick out in the sports hall, practically it is not capable to pump up muscular volume. Even very strong man of an asthenic warehouse nevertheless not a muskulist, and is lean and sinewy. The dry skin, the lowered hormonal background and, alas, early wrinkles – severe reality! But «to spoil a figure» it is almost unreal, about such people not without reason speak "not to carry corn".

Dear heads, teachers and other chiefs, attention: many astenik have a low vitality, quickly are tired, work in a mode «a storm and an impact» for them – inadmissible luxury. As well as «luxury of human communication». On a public position, in a big noisy room this silent, closed, quickly getting tired person risks to undermine health! Laziness to read? Then listen!

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But knowing the weaknesses, the person of this type can learn planning, find high self-checking. Other things being equal the astenik with the greatest probability will not waste time on chatter with colleagues and to neglect affairs. Learned? Well, of course, it is our old acquaintance – "Thinker". Really, classification by types of a constitution "is not bad imposed" on others of typology, and lines of "Thinker" are peculiar to quite often bright representatives of asthenic type also.

2. Typical picnic full not only and not so much because of existence of a large number of a fatty fabric (at grown plump атлетиков it is not less of it) – the person of a piknichesky constitution distinguishes existence of «big internal cavities». But also, the majority of picnics differ live and cheerful nature, a strongly pronounced emotionality and vigor. Remember type of "Interlocutor"? Picnic happens "Interlocutor" more often.

Life for people of this type is concentrated, mainly, in the emotional and communicative sphere. Energy though take away, but to pore over papers to them boringly and especially to be killed, married to the job" these people focused on pleasure and pleasure, are not inclined. Here they, tireless public men, ubiquitous «shurochka from accounts department», cheeful organizers of noisy concourses.

Figure, of course, not the modeling … But whether it is necessary to long for this occasion if the sunshiny easy temper, in full swing energy do piknichesky «пышечек» very attractive in the opinion of men. Plus fine skin, fresh flush … Though to overeat, of course, does not follow! Picnics are inclined, we will tell so, to aggravate with the nature this build. After all, you see, «the strong maiden» is one, it is possible to tell, nature gift, and here «blurred бабища» – absolutely another, and there is nobody to expostulate, except itself.

3. If two previous types represented contrasts "thin-thick", "cogitative-emotional", the third type, athletic, it is possible to call "operating" …

And not for nothing атлетик differs the most developed muscular structure – after all muscles are responsible for movement, development, aggression in a broad sense. Ability to manifestation of physical force, aggressive movement corresponds to similar ability in the psychological sphere. Force and energy is shown and in the most usual movements athletics: to gait, gesticulation. Picnic too shows vigor moreover what – but its movements are softer, more smoothly. By the way, picnics happen by nature are very plastic, often being amazing for people around: as, at such build and so to move! But after all "external" and "internal" reflect each other – and internal, psychological mobility of «an emotional communicator» picnic can be envied only!

And here the astenik "is not on friendly terms" with movement, sports, dance. Thus "astenik-thinker" can successfully be trained in difficult movements, but there will be they to some extent mechanistic, making impression artificial, nonplastic. Movements of an astenik will not have enough spontaneity – as well as to internal schemes of "thinker".

The mass of striking examples of types of a constitution can be found in literature, a cinema, theater … For example, among images of the well-known detectives easily there will be perfectly readable representatives of two types. Why two – I will explain later.

Strongly pronounced astenik – Kamensk. Thin, quickly getting tired – it eternally does not have forces, energy … However, there is one nuance – high growth whereas women appear in "classical" descriptions астеничек «thin and undersized, early growing old». However, presently such type of female-astenikov is very widespread. And especially early aging it is not observed. There’s nothing to be done, times change, and together with them people change.

Closer to asthenic type and the greatest detective of all times Sherlock Holmes, differing extremely developed "cogitative" komponenty.

Syshchik atletik – Sledzh Hammer from series "Sledge hammer", absolute «the person of action». To reflect? Well you! Emotions? Not to them! That there are its expressions: «Sledzha Hammer has no subconsciousness!» and «Believe: I know that I do!»

Thus detectives-asteniki are usually deduced by the "thinkers" untangling cunning crimes. Attention such feature also attracts: each of them has the certain own method, allowing to calculate the criminal, to build the scheme of his actions and to foresee his acts.

Native elements атлетиков – action. To run, fight, catch is for them.

And here among the well-known detectives we did not manage to find a picnic example. And it is not surprising: picnics possess communicative type of the personality more often. For it in the foreground interpersonal, emotional interaction, and at all «intellectual games», directed on the solution of complex challenges ("Thinkers" — astenik) or rigid aiming at result ("Practicians" — athletics).

And in summary we will remind that any classification is conditional and real people not always with sufficient accuracy correspond to the "pure" types described in textbooks. Besides, on congenital type of a constitution the most serious print imposes a course of life of the person …

Article is written in a co-authorship with Natalia Kolpakova

Updated: 09.02.2016 — 08:21