Albert Moll: Investigations Concerning the Libido Sexualis

Albert Moll (1862-1939), a Berlin physician, was another big promoter of sexology. He was a very conservative man who disliked both Freud and Hirschfeld and tried to counter their research at every opportunity. Moll formed the International Society for Sex Research in 1913 to counter Hirschfeld’s Medical Society of Sexology. He also or­ganized an International Congress of Sex Research in Berlin in 1926.

Moll wrote several books on sexology, including Investigations Concerning the Libido Sexualis in 1897. Unfortunately, it was probably Moll’s disagreements with Freud that caused him to be ignored by the majority of English-speaking sexuality researchers, be­cause Freud’s ideas were so dominant during the first half of the 20th century (V. Bullough, 1994). Moll stayed in Germany and eventually had his memoirs published. He

Timeline: Important Developments in the History of Sex Research

Подпись: Albert Moll Albert Moll publishes publishes The the Handbook of Sexual Sexual Life of the Sciences. Child, which challenges Freud's psychoanalytic theory Image not available due to copyright restrictions Подпись: Iwan Bloch begins publication of the Handbook of Sexology. Albert Moll: Investigations Concerning the Libido Sexualis Подпись: Magnus Hirschfeld publishes Homosexuality in Men and Women. Подпись: Magnus Hirschfeld opens the first Institute for Sexology in Berlin. Подпись: Nazis close the Institute for Sexology.

1909 1911 1912 1913 1914 1919 1933

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avoided being sent to a concentration camp only by dying of natural causes in September of 1939 (ironically, on the same day Sigmund Freud died).

Updated: 03.11.2015 — 06:00