
Because a couple must interrupt foreplay to put the condom on, intercourse is less spon­taneous. In addition, some people feel a reduced sensation or develop a slight allergic re­action to a specific type of condom or lubricant. Some condoms are available only in a single size, whereas others come in a variety of sizes and shapes. If a condom is too large, it may slip and be ineffective. Polyurethane condoms have also been found to be more

difficult to put on than latex, and tend to slip or bunch up during sexual intercourse (Hollander, 2001).

Disadvantages of the female condom include the fact that they can be difficult to use, uncomfortable, and may slip during sexual intercourse. Users might find insertion “noisy” or difficult (Lie, 2000). Second-generation female condoms have been developed but have not yet gotten FDA approval. Female condoms can also be expensive. Manufacturers have looked for ways to reduce the cost while also addressing issues of slippage and other con­cerns. One second-generation condom, the Reddy female condom, uses a sponge to stabi­lize the condom and prevent slipping (J. L. Schwartz & Gabelnick, 2002).

Updated: 11.11.2015 — 13:37