Rape is an emotionally, physically, and psychologically shattering experience for the vic­tim. Immediately after a rape, many victims report feeling numb and disorganized. Some deny that the rape occurred at all, to avoid the pain of dealing with it. Others express self-blame, disbelief, anger, vulnerability, and increased feelings of dependency. As time goes by, the healing process begins, and feelings may shift to self-pity, sadness, and guilt. Anxiety attacks, nightmares, and fear slowly begin to decrease, although the incident is never forgotten. Women with a history of sexual abuse, including rape, have a lower health-related quality of life and more psychological symptoms than those who have no history of sexual abuse (L. M. Dickinson et al., 1999). Some women never return to prior functioning levels and must create an entirely new view of themselves.

Updated: 15.11.2015 — 07:05