ABC of ‘sexy’ ingredients

Antlers, Bull’s testicles, Cabbage, Donuts, turtle Eggs, Frog’s legs,
Garlic, rhino Horn, Ice cream, Java coffee, Kumquat, Lobster, Mango,
Nail clippings, Okra, seal’s Penis, Quince, Rice, Shark fin, Tequila,
Unagi, Vanilla, Wine, Xanat, Yeast, Zucchini.


ABC of 'sexy' ingredients

Подпись: One of the most popular aphrodisiacs, originally from South America, where the Aztec and Mayan cultures worshipped its magically passionate effects. Later discovered by the Spanish, it was soon introduced to the rest of the world. Phenylethylamine and serotonin, found in chocolate, encourage a feeling of pleasure when released into the body, accounting for the substance's widespread reputation.

Likened to female sex organs, Casanova had a penchant for fifty servings of this delicacy for breakfast. If this was not proof enough of their effects on the sex drive, in 2005 American and Italian researchers discovered that oysters are rich in rare amino acids, not found naturally elsewhere, which help increase sex hormones.

7 placed the shell on the edge of her lips and after a good deal of
laughing, she sucked in the oyster, which she held between her lips.
I instantly recovered it by placing my lips on hers.’ Casanova

Liquorice root, the Great Harmonizer, has long been used as
an aphrodisiac, from ancient China to the Kama Sutra.

ABC of 'sexy' ingredients♦ ♦♦

Подпись: Viagra Originally seen as a treatment for angina, Pfizer first patented Viagra in 1996 as a cure for impotence. Peter Dunn and Albert Wood, reported in the press as the inventors, are named on the manufacturing patent. The first pill of its kind in the USA, it was approved by the FDA and went on sale in 1998. Within two weeks, doctors were writing 40,000 prescriptions a day. It has since been prescribed to more than 23 million men.

Liquorice root has also been reported as having exactly the
opposite effect by suppressing the libido.

Following the approval of Viagra by the UK health authorities, a
shipment arrived at Heathrow airport but was hijacked on the way
to the pharmacy warehouse. Scotland Yard has asked the public to
look out for a gang of hardened criminals.

Подпись: Suppressors of the sex drive ♦ Anti-androgen drugs are prescribed to recurring sex offenders and have side-effects, Подпись: including hair loss, headaches and breast development ♦ Cigarettes and alcohol taken in excess actively decrease sexual prowess.


‘I told her that I was a flop with chicks
I’ve been this way since 1956
She looked at my palm and she made a magic sign
She said, "What you need is Love Potion Number Nine."’
The Clovers,’Love Potion Number 9′, 1959

ABC of 'sexy' ingredients
ABC of 'sexy' ingredientsABC of 'sexy' ingredients
‘If I don’t have a woman every three days or so
I get a terrible headache.’ John F Kennedy

‘I respect and admire the fairer sex/

And I honour them every bit as much as the next tnisogynist.’
Jake Thackeray,’On One Issue at Least’

ABC of 'sexy' ingredients

ABC of 'sexy' ingredients


Jimmy Swaggart, US televangelist and cousin of Jerry Lee Lewis, had a weakness for prostitutes which was his undoing in 1988 when photographs of him were taken with whores. His fall was all the harder given that he had just named and shamed rival televangelist Marvin Gorman for the same sins.

‘Man has his will, but woman has her way.’

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Иге Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, 1858

‘I don’t see so much of Alfred since he got so interested in sex.’
Mrs Alfred Kinsey


Updated: 12.11.2015 — 02:39