‘I don’t think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they aredoing the same thing.’ Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh MISTRESSES AND KINGS King Charles II, the Merry Monarch, had at least 13 mistresses, of whom the most famous was Nell Gwyn (see p.167). George II had two German mistresses known by their […]
Рубрика: THE MISCELLANY of Sex
ABC of ‘sexy’ ingredients
Antlers, Bull’s testicles, Cabbage, Donuts, turtle Eggs, Frog’s legs,Garlic, rhino Horn, Ice cream, Java coffee, Kumquat, Lobster, Mango,Nail clippings, Okra, seal’s Penis, Quince, Rice, Shark fin, Tequila,Unagi, Vanilla, Wine, Xanat, Yeast, Zucchini. Oysters Likened to female sex organs, Casanova had a penchant for fifty servings of this delicacy for breakfast. If this was not proof […]
Food of love
Many foods gain their aphrodisiacal reputations from form and texture as well as nutritionally sexual qualities. A sample from the menu: ‘A number of rare or newly experienced foods have been claimedto be aphrodisiacs. At one time this quality was even ascribedto the tomato. Reflect on that when you are next preparingthe family salad.’ Jane […]
‘Fetch me that flower, the herb I show’d thee once; The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid Will make man or woman madly dote Upon the next live creature that it sees.’ Oberon, A Midsummer Night’s Dream POTENT OR PLACEBO EFFECT? Throughout history, aphrodisiacs, with their natural and physical properties pertaining to sex, have […]
The ancient Greek goddess of erotic love and beauty, her name is the root of ‘aphrodisiac’. Her powers could requite longing, as shown in the tale of the sculptor Pygmalion who had never found a woman worth loving. Inspired by Aphrodite, he created and fell in love with an ivory statue, which he married when […]
VAeval Celtic goddess of sex and small size. When dissatisfied wives took their husbands to court, she judged whether the men were doing enough to please them. VAisha Qandisha Moroccan goddess of sexual activity, who appeared as a beauty or a hag and was best obeyed when it came to her rampant demands. VEros (Roman: […]
Love and sex can often seem like another language. Understanding each other’s desires and denials is often a case of reading the signs and appreciating the gesture. ‘If you don’t like my peaches, why do you shake my tree?’ Mae West Handkerchief Code Popular in the 1970s, this also applies to bandanas and flags. […]
★ The largest penis was recorded by Dr Robert L Dickinson in the early 20th century at 13.5in long and 6.25in circumference. ★ The most valuable nude photos are of a 22-year-old Marilyn Monroe, taken by Tom Kelley. At an auction in 2001, bidding reached $475,000, but the pics remained unsold as the bid didn’t […]
From the prolific and the infamous to great discoveries and achievements, here’s where going the distance and size really did matter. Guinness World Records: The Best Adult World Records (2003) The Kinsey Institute and British Library each have about 20,0 books on sex. ♦ ♦♦ The Vatican Library is said to have about 25,000 volumes […]
. ‘I think that making love is the best form of exercise.’ Cary Grant. SPORTING BODIES
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue has featured tennis players Stefi Graf, Serena Williams and Anna Kournikova, who has also appeared in FHM and Maxim and several top sexy and beautiful lists. Olympic competitors volleyball player Gabrielle Reece and high jumper Amy Acuff, plus Olympic golds figure skater Katarina Witt and swimmer Amanda Beard, have all […]