День: 12.11.2015

The Double Standard and Aging

In previous chapters we have discussed the double standard as it relates to male and female sexual expression during adolescence and adulthood. The assumptions and prejudices implicit in the sexual double standard continue into old age, imposing a particular burden on women. Although a woman’s sexual capabilities can continue throughout her lifetime, the cultural image […]

Racing gender

Racial inequalities, and the way in which they are gendered, are largely a product of a world history which saw the first industrialized nations go forth to appropriate the land and resources of people on other con­tinents. Colonization was an economic process but was justified by ideas that represented whiteness and white ways of doing […]

Sexuality and Aging

In general, people are living longer and being sexually active for a greater portion of their lives (Elders, 2010). In the later years of life, most people begin to note certain physical changes taking place in their sexual response patterns (Herbenick et al., 2010b), as described in Chapter 6. Some women and men who understand […]

Fizjologiczny mechanizm erekcji

Fizjologiczny mechanizm erekcji od dawna by! przedmiotem zaintereso — wan nauki. Pocz^tkowo przypuszczano, ze erekcja wywolana jest poprzez zastoj krwi w pr^ciu, tj. przez utrudniony odplyw krwi zylnej z pr^cia przy normalnym doplywie krwi t? tniczej. Dose szybko jednak stwierdzono, ze mechanizm erekcji opiera si? na czynnym, wzmozonym doplywie krwi t? tniczej. Niektorzy badaeze, np. […]

Data Analysis

Educational Aspirations Table B. i shows responses to the question of how much education parents want their children to obtain (an issue discussed in chapter 2). The “college plus” category indicates that the respondent suggested that it might well be desirable to have education that extends beyond a bachelor’s degree; the “more than college” category […]

Reasons People Give for Divorce

A study has provided some much-needed empirical evidence of what divorced people say is the cause of their divorce (Amato & Previti, 2003). The researchers readily admit that the study cannot identify whether people’s perceptions of their divorces represent actual causes or are after-the-fact reconstructions. In the randomly selected national sample of divorced individuals, the […]

Erekcje prqcia a marzenia senne

Z badan poligraficznych wynika, ze kazdy czlowiek ma marzenia senne. Wifkszosc ludzi po rozbudzeniu sif nie przypomina sobie tego, ze je miala. Marzenia pojawiajq si? 3-6 razy w ciqgu snu; w sumie trwajq one przez okres 1 /5 czasu snu. Marzeniom sennym, niezaleznie od ich tresci, towarzyszq erekcje czlonka (lub lechtaczki). Nie wyjasniono dotqd, dlaczego […]