День: 12.11.2015

Technological Choices

Tables B.2—B. io all show responses to questions concerning the devices of connection, constraint, and surveillance (discussed in chapters 5—7). Once again I caution that because these tables build on qualitative responses, the categories are meant to be illustrative rather than definitive. In addition, not all respondents gave responses to all questions. Devices of Connection […]

Male menopause

Although much criticized, the early experiences with testes preparations also suggested another application of male sex hormones: the treatment of sexual disorders, like impotence and loss of libido, in particular in elderly men (Organon Archive 13 February 1931). This indication is also described as the climacterium virile, the male menopause.25 Organon did not, however, put […]

Sexual Difficulties and Solutions

Specific Sexual Difficulties What is the most common problem that brings people to sex therapists? What are the symptoms of sexual aversion? What is the definition of male erectile disorder? What percentage of women has never experienced orgasm? How common is the problem of premature ejaculation? What conditions can cause painful intercourse in men and […]

Psychojizjologia zaspokojenia seksualnegoi

Wsrod wielu roznorodnych kontaktow seksualnych І sposobow uzyski- £ wania zaspokojenia seksualnego oraz zwi^zanej z nimi wi? kszej lub mniejszej Щ satysfakcji mozna wyroznic kilka jakosciowych poziomow. §f Na poziomie najnizszym kontakt seksualny wyraza si? w prostej redukcji if wiasnej potrzeby seksualnej, osiqganej nie tyiko bez uwzgl? dnienia potrzeb partnera J. f і caloksztaltu warunkow […]


The sexual imagination of the Japanese knows few boundaries, starting with clubs populated by pretend nurses, fake air hostesses and phoney secretaries. Other specialities include: rotating sushi-style breast­fondling clubs; special ‘Marilyn features’ — you watch as she stands over a hot air-vent; naked karaoke; soapgirls, notably ‘handpicked brides’who bathe customers; anime clubs (sex with manga […]

Distribution of Undergraduate Course Load for Faculty. by Gender and Discipline

Two statistical tests were carried out. First, a chi-square test of independence of rows was applied to determine whether the pattern of the number of under­graduate courses taught[124] by men and women differed. (These tests were either on three or four degrees of freedom.) The tests were not significant at the.05 level except for electrical […]

First-Trimester Surgical Abortion

A first-trimester abortion (vacuum aspiration, or suction abortion) is usually performed on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. This is the most common type of abortion procedure in the United States today and accounts for 88% of all abortions (F. H. Stewart, Ellertson, & Cates, 2004). In this procedure, a woman lies on an examining […]

Why Do Women Have Abortions?

Many people claim that women have abortions because they do not use contraception. However, studies indicate that 54% of women who had an abortion had been using a con­traceptive method the month they became pregnant (R. K. Jones, Darroch, & Henshaw, 2002a). Some of these women were using methods incorrectly or inconsistently. In fact, only […]