Zasadniczym, chociaz nie jedynym, ukiadem odniesienia decydujacym о rozpoznawaniu dysfunkcji seksuainych jest uklad partnerski. Chodzi przy tym о poziom jego caiosciowego funkejonowania, nie tylko о funkejonowanie w sferze seksuainej. Z tego punktu widzenia wszelkie czynniki wywolujace dysharmoni? w ukiadzie partnerskim nalezy traktowac jako patogenne, niezaleznie od tego, czy zakiocajg one bezposrednio wspoizyeie seksualne (patologia seksualna), […]
День: 16.11.2015
That Wraps it Up
In the second century ad the physician Galen wrote: ‘The testicles are more important than the heart; the heart serves to keep us alive, the testicles to make us truly alive.’ Being ‘truly’ alive takes its toll. In that respect eunuchs were men without ballast. If one studies the operation of testosterone closely, one has […]
Glorification of Pimps in the United States
Rachel Lloyd is an anti-trafficking advocate and founder of GEMS, the nation’s largest service provider to commercial sexually exploited and trafficked girls and young women. Pimps sell women to other men for sex, and Lloyd describes how pimping and "the adult men who seduce, kidnap, torture, brainwash then sell girls for sex" have become a […]
Customers of Sex Workers
Sex workers exist because there is a demand for their services. In the United States, "John" is the label for the men of all backgrounds, ages, races, religions, and socioeconomic status who buy sex. One study found that most men buying sex were married or with a partner and ranged in age from 20 to […]
Celebrating True Freedom. and Fulfillment
Much of this book has been focused on the difficulties and pain that a life consumed with porn can create. What starts off for many as an exciting and highly sexually arousing habit can ultimately compromise everything—self-respect, sexuality, intimate relationships, family, friendships, livelihood, freedom. And the journey away from porn and out of the trap […]
The Personal Costs of Sex Work
Sex workers have very diverse working conditions and experiences (Weitzer, 2007). Decriminalization and legalization of sex work significantly improves the health and safety of sex workers, but most sex workers across the world operate under the disadvantages of criminal legal statutes. Sex workers can develop physical and mental health problems as a result of violence, […]
Czynniki osobowosciowe
Ustalenle granic mi? dzy normg a patologitj. spofeezng nie moze miec miejsca w oderwaniu od caloksztaltu osobowoset. Potrzeba oceny zaburzen seksualnych na tie caloksztaltu osobowosci czlowieka wiqze si? z koniecznosci wprowadze — nia poj? c rozwoju oraz dojrzalosci. Obydwa te poj? cia odnoszq si? zarowno do sfery seksuainej, jak і do caloksztaltu osobowosci. Z punktu […]
Prostitution in Other Cultures
Prostitution exists all over the globe. We will now explore how different countries handle prostitution and the different problems they encounter. In the accompanying Human Sexuality in a Diverse World, “In Their Own Words,” three women discuss their experiences of prostitution. During World War II it is estimated that 200,000 women from Japan, Korea, China, […]
How to Decrease the Likelihood Your Child. Will Develop a Problem with Porn
The following list identifies things you can do to help protect your child from the negative impact of pornography. We suggest that you follow these recommendations throughout the course of your child’s life, changing the sophistication of your approach and the level of detail to coincide with what is age appropriate for your child. __ […]
Dynamika і wzgtydnosc normy seksualnej
WzgI? dnosc podejscia do zagadnienia normy seksualnej, uwarunkowana spolecznie, wywohije zywq dyskusj? nie tylko nad ustaleniem granicy normy. lecz nawet nad sensem ustalenia takiej granicy. Istnieje bowiem grupa autorow, ktorey sqdzfb ze w zakresie zachowari seksualnych nie mozna ustalac granic normy, poniewaz w ogole nie istnieje w tym zakresie poj? cie czlowieka normalnego; jest to […]