Pushkins holiday romance: was or was not? Donzhuansky list of

Pushkin’s heart was always open for Mnogolyubivoye for new love. Its naughty character and self-irony became a reason for drawing up the of donzhuansky list by it which turned into a subject of fixed studying later. Pushkin’s Donzhuansky list (it is possible, a joke of the poet!) became a peculiar key for solving of its feelings during the different periods of life, a subject of serious disputes of literary critics and biographers. Pushkins holiday romance: was or was not? Donzhuansky list of
«Fountain of tears», that «The Bakhchsarai fountain» Source

In 1820 Pushkin left Petersburg on waters to the Crimea. Its state of mind was sad and tired, after all in Petersburg he conducted loose life and society of Petersburg continually spread ridiculous rumors about it.

In the Caucasus (in Pyatigorsk) Pushkin met family Rayevsky which consisted of four daughters and two sons, the general and his wife. Later Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (in girlhood Rayevsky) so will characterize in the diary Pushkin’s behavior during this period: «As the poet, it considered as a duty to be enamoured of all pretty women and young girls whom it met… In effect he adored only the muse and poeticized everything that saw».

Maria was the fifteen-year daughter of the general and during that moment looked as the swarty and ugly teenager, but, despite it, Pushkin paid to it attention and embodied in the verses her attracting image:

As I envied waves,
Running a rough succession
With love to lay down to her feet!
As I wished then with waves
To touch lovely feet lips!

Certain researchers challenge that fact that Pushkin was passionately enamoured of the teenage girl, however others are almost sure, what exactly the image of Maria Rayevskoy passes through Pushkin’s many works (including in the poem «Bakhchsarai fountain» and "Eugene Onegin").

While researchers argue, we will address to the facts of the biography of the poet and his donzhuansky lists.

In the first of them one more name – Ekaterina III appears. There are all bases to believe that speech here goes about Ekaterina Rayevskoy, the oldest daughter of the general. Pushkin got acquainted with it in Gurzuf. The hobby it was rather fleeting as any certificates, except the Pushkin list, it has no. In a year after acquaintance to the poet, Ekaterina marries general M.F.Orlova who often invited Pushkin in the house to stay for a while.

However and this frivolous love postponed a print for Pushkin’s creativity. Characterizing Ekaterina Nikolaevna, it will compare it to the heroine of one of the poems Marina Mnishek. It was same proud, ambitious, cunning and sharp, as well as the Polish princess. As one of researchers notes, in a family album Rayevsky it was represented in a caricature – with a bunch of birches in hands, and on a lap before it there was a husband general. The caricature had comic character, but precisely noticed features of relationship of Ekaterina with the husband.

One more sister Rayevsky – Elena – according to descriptions of contemporaries was most beautiful of sisters. During a time of acquaintance to the poet it executed 16 years. Elena often happened is sick and consequently used special attention of parents. The image of Elena Revskoy Pushkin embodied in the poem:

Alas, why she shines
Minute, gentle beauty…

In the elegy "Desire" Pushkin hints that he «loved, the Exile unknown». And here whom exactly from sisters Rayevsky really loved deeply and seriously, still remains secret for his biographers who put forward different versions. In the Donzhuansky list Pushkin points to Ekaterina, but modern literary critics put forward also one more version: the poet was enamoured not in any one of sisters Rayevsky, and of everyone gradually, in a female half of a family Rayevsky.

This love was not unique, and reminded a holiday romance. The poem analysis «Bakhchsarai fountain» leads researchers to thought that Maria and Zarema were written off by Pushkin from sisters Rayevsky, shown for its part rivalry and jealousy of the enamoured poet.

Updated: 12.10.2015 — 14:16